The air
around her was cool but not as cool as it was about to be. Speed was her
gift. She was a lightning cleric. There weren’t many of her species
left after the Great War, making her unique. When Lion-O held up the
Sword of Omens and called out “Thunder, thunder, thunder, Thundercats Ho!”
She became speed incarnate. The power of lightning consumed her
actions. Cheetara simply had to move. She was half human and half
cheetah and all speed. Simple conversations and normal interactions with
others moved in such slow motion for her. She was introverted and kept
thoughts to herself because her brain processed differently than those around
her. She had rested long enough it was time for her to move. She
felt the ripple of lightning and breathed in the smoke. “Wake me up bid
my blood to run!” She breathed out. Boom! Where Cheetara
once knelt was nothing but dust settling leaves fluttered to the ground. There
was a blur streaking through the flatlands. With her right hand she
grabbed her collapsible bo staff from her left gauntlet. The move was so
quick it didn’t even impede her progress.
She had
studied for this but the heat she now experienced she was not truly prepared
for. Enemies underestimated her because she was normally clad in a steel
bikini resembling armor but that was her distraction because she was one of the
fiercest warriors in the land. She was a swordswoman, but many learned to
their own peril that she was also a fire mage. But today she was being
tested inside a volcano to see how powerful she really was. Maybe she
should have worn more in the way of armor but then that could become way too
hot on her skin. She was called Tyris Flare and she and her friends once
used the Golden Axe to stop the villainous Death Adder.