Thursday, October 12, 2017

She-Spawn Rise of a Heroine

She-Spawn: The rise of a heroine

          In a dark alley on the bad side of town, there sits a crying young red head by a dumpster reeking of rotten diapers and bananas.  “Why can’t I remember how I got here or what happened last night?”  She raises her arm and sees a weird purple coating where skin should be thinking its some weird clothing she reaches her other hand over and spikes pop up along her knuckles.  Then they show up on the other hand.  Surprisingly enough they don’t seem to weigh anything.  Looking down she sees the purple is covering almost the length of her body.  Her chest and groin are covered by an odd bikini.  She feels no heat or cold and on looking down she sees what looks like boots made of bones.  She knew she had been crying but feels no wetness on her face.  In fact as she runs her covered hands where her face should be she feels what seems to be a mask but her vision is clear.  Then she found every single strand of her flaming red hair pouring out the top of her mask in a ponytail out of the top of the mask.  Part of her longs to scream but she calms down.  Threaded along the spikes on her left hand she finds a chain and dog tags.  “Who do these belong to and who am I”?  The dog tags read Beta, Zelda Brianne.    Strapped to her right thigh she finds a wickedly curved dagger with a skull containing emerald glowing eyes on the hilt.  “Whoa creepy much.”  Her hand brushes against an mp5 submachine gun.  Looking at the wall opposite her she sees a massive bloodstain.  Her left ear begins making a beeping noise.  This goes on for about 5 min and begins to annoy her.  Then she hears a name said over and over but can’t find anyone.  “Who’s talking?  Where are you?  Would you please shut up”?  The voice suddenly gets louder.  “Bri stop yammering it’s me your partner”.  “Get out of my head!  Who in the blue blazes is Bri?  Why don’t you go bug her and leave me alone”?  the beeping noise begins again then the talking resumes.  “Bri it’s Zac it is critical that you pay attention at this time! Where are you what do you see and hear”?  She begins shaking her head and swatting at her ear.  The noise and speaking simply won’t stop.  “Seriously dude if you’re not going to stop talking in my head at least answer my questions.  Who is Bri?  I woke up in a haze.”  The voice replied “Obviously something has gone wrong so we’ll start at the basics.”  “Fine by me be as informative and detailed as possible.”  “Okay what did you find upon waking up and what do you see”?  The red head begins describing it all.  “The dog tags you found are your own.  You are Zelda Brianne Beta or Bri for short.  You are an extremely powerful super heroine and the weapons are your tools.  There was an accident on our last mission.  See the weird getup you are in serves a purpose.  You’re a part of an elite fun loving group of super heroines called the Vixen Force.”  “Okay but who are you and why do you keep talking in my ear”?  “Knew I forgot something I’m Zac I’m your partner on this mission also known as the White Shadow.  We were in a fight with a demon and somehow we got separated as I tried to teleport us out.  You fell from a 20 story up plate glass window.  For 3 days I’ve been trying to locate you.  Other heroes call you She-Spawn you’re a being of great magic.  Your suit can heal most things except for head trauma which you have apparently suffered from given time you should remember things.”  Slowly Bri stands up and starts looking around and puts the strap of the mp5 over her shoulder.  “So now what voice in my head”?  “Now you have to find out where you are and how to get you out of there before something happens to you.  The magic in your suit makes you a blind spot to any and all technology.  We can talk to you but can’t find you.  In time I can get help to you but I need your help to get there.  Do you still have Cryoflame?”  “What’s a Cryoflame?”  “Check your right thigh for a curved dagger with a skull and green eyes.  Only you know how it works but somehow it channels flame from a volcano and ice from Antarctica at the same time.  Send a spike of energy from it upward and I’ll bring another agent and we’ll finish that demon.  Be careful that demon has friends everywhere.  Find the tallest building you can and get to the top of it.”  “Okay White Shadow I’ve got a lot more questions but I’ll ask what I can on the way.  There’s half a clip of ammo and I don’t know how to work the dagger.  Can I do anything else I should know of?”  After a long pause of silence “On certain occasions you have been known to employ a strange powerful green energy.  Also you have some of the best hand to hand combat skills in the world.  Can you run?”  Bri begins stretching at the legs testing the movement of her body.  She looks at the wall at the end of the alley and runs towards it and on instinct alone she does a jumping kick up and off the wall.  She looks down the other end and surveys the opening tentatively.  She draws the Dagger looks down either direction fo the tallest building.  As she stands there a wino throws and empty bottle at her and yells “This is my corner bug off ugly.”  She swats off the bottle with the spikes on her left hand.  Calmly she approaches the wino lifts him up by the scruff of his neck and hurls him down the street.  “When I want your opinion I’ll beat it out of you.”  She spies the sky scrapers and takes off at a run.  “Bri give me some signs and landmarks something to help find you.”  “I see a long…..”  Whoosh Boom!  Suddenly She-Spawn is violently thrown in the air.  Her earpiece crackles to static.  Surprisingly she lands on her feet and turns in the direction of the attack to find a 9 foot tall cybernetic scorpion with a flame thrower on the tail.  Bri begins tapping her earpiece but no longer hears the White Shadow.  “This is not going to be fun at all.”  The scorpion begins to advance towards her as electricity begins to arc between the claws.  She-Spawn grabs the gun and fires 3 times to no avail.  She takes off running full tilt at the foul insect she feels Cryoflame began to vibrate on her leg she doesn’t know why but she draws the blade jumps and slashes at the scorpion’s neck.  A dazzling white and orange blast erupts from the blade and the head explodes from the robot.  In midair she twists 3 times and with each rotation the beam from the blade bistcts more of the insect.  She lands left foot out on her toes right foot tucked under her twirls the dagger in a figure 8 and yells “Sweet!”.  Suddenly the static in her earpiece becomes a garbled voice and then clears up.  “Bri forget the tall building I saw the blast give me the nearest street sign you see and help is on the way.”  Bri stands up overlooks the demolished robot reads off the nearest street sign and resumes running thru town.   “Bri keep an eye on the sky I’m sending a fellow Vixen Force member to extract you.  Hawkgirl is en route.  She-Spawn stopped running.  “What the heck is a Hawkgirl?  Since I woke up from that bad nap things have gotten stranger and weirder.”  She resumes running and half a mile later hears hears a flapping sound she draws Cryoflame and whirls seeing another redhead with a hawk’s face and wings affixed to a harness.  “Easy Bri no need for the blade the White Shadow sent me I’m Hawkgirl.”  Bri just stares not backing down.  “Pardon me if I’m cautious I’ve had a strange day, woke up in an alley with all this on, some dude won’t quit talking in my ear, keeps telling me weird things, fought a robo-scorpion, blade comes to life then you land near me.  If you reach for that mace at your side don’t think I won’t put you down hard.  I’m so not in the mood I’m cranky hungry and tired.”  “It’s okay Bri walk with me to Midtown Park.  I’m your escort the Owl jet has been sent for us but we’re early.  I’ll even let you hold my mace if it will make you feel better.”  Hawkgirl reached up removed her helmet held out her hand and said “I’m Kendra Saunders if can help your memory or you in any way let me know.”  Bri cautiously puts up her blade takes Hawkgirl’s hand and at the point of contact green energy travels from Bri to Kendra and back.  “Wow I don’t know what that just was but I saw a fight with what could only be the demon that Shadow guy talked about and I felt myself falling, and I saw that mace fly past my head.”  Kendra flipped her hair back tied it up in a scrunchie and grinned.  “Glad the Nth metal in my mace and the Mother Box I borrowed from Big Barda helped restore some of your magic and memory.  Now come on let’s go get Zac and have round 2 with that demon this time we lay the smackdown.”  “Before we go I have 2 questions.  That green energy can I use that offensively?  Can I have more bullets in the armor piercing variety?”  “Yes and yes Bri now tap your headset 3 times.  DJ Cindy Lou sent your favorite song for us to run to.  I told her how much you liked Aimee Allen’s song I’d Start a Revolution if I Could Get Up in the Morning and you girl have had a rough morning.”  As the girls take off running their beautiful red ponytails flow with each step.  Suddenly from the nearby trees a group of 20 Hand ninjas descend to surround them.  Hawkgirl slapped She-Spawn on the shoulder and said “Well this should be fun I haven’t got to bash anyone around all day.”  She-Spawn swung her gun around emptying the clip on 5 of them.  Hawkgirl exploded into flight knocking ninjas over with her mace like bowling pins.  Suddenly only 2 were left standing.  She-Spawn grabbed the nearest one cupped her palm while holding him in a side headlock as her hand began glowing green energy blasted thru his head down his spine till he simply ceased to exist.  Hawkgirl grabbed the last one flew straight up and came down in a German suplex from 20 feet up.  “Kenda that was fun but gosh I wish there was more of them”.  So off the ran again laughing and joking.  Then after a fit of laughter Bri inquired “Why are you running with me when you can fly?”  “A long time ago I took you flying with me and you screamed worse than Spider-Man when I grabbed you under the armpits to carry you.  I can’t put you on my back because my wings wouldn’t work so we run.”  As they continued past a motorcycle rental store and a sporting goods store just the appearance of the 2 women and how they were armed persuaded the store owners to just give them 2 bikes and as much ammo as Bri could carry.  “Kendra can we get some food?  Why is the park so far away?”  “Bri as soon as we find a place for food yes.  When you were knocked out of the window the White Shadow bent time and space to save you but the demon counterattacked at the same time.  The opposing magical forces put you in that alley.  In addition every evil force in the surface has surfaced and run amok.  Your suit has protected you.  In the past 3 days we’ve seen super gorillas, zombies and mutant frogs.  If we don’t stop that demon wreaking magic it will get worse.”  “So have any people stayed in the city?”  “Only a handful and they’re just trying to live their lives.  There’s a KFC a mile from here we can split a bucket of chicken and ride on.”  “Stupid question but how do I get this mask off to eat?”  “Think!  The suit is an extension of you it reacts to you and your environment.”  Bri decided to quickly try and slowly the mask came off.  She had blue eyes almost almond shaped a nose slightly rounded her ears were small almost coming to a point, her lips were lightly curved with tiny dimpled cheeks with many freckles and natural red hair billowing from her scalp.  So the girls take off on the bikes dodging potholes, snipers and archers.  They finally get to stop and eat when with 2 chicken legs left they get knocked sideways off their bikes by a 7 ft walking upright armadillo.  Both She-Spawn and Hawkgirl crawl to a standing position and blink incredulously.  Bri was first to rise drawing Cryoflame.  “I haven’t been awake or eaten for 3 days the city is overrun with evil and you just deprived me of my chicken you’re going down ugly.”  The armadillo simply growled and swung a massive arm at her.  She-Spawn thought about what Hawkgirl had said regarding her suit and it responded as she blocked her entire suit with spikes all over.  Hooking the armadillo in a full nelson she head butted the back of it’s head and yelled “Never come between a super heroine and her food!”  Hawkgirl was calmly and slowly just started clapping and laughing.  Bri let the spikes recede and the beast drop then climbed a nearby fence and gave it a heart seeking elbow drop.  “Dang Bri! Remind me to never mess with you and your food.  I guess the armadillo isn’t as deadly as he thought.  You looked madder than a midget with a yo-yo.”  “You got that right Kendra when people mess with my food I get madder than an Ethiopian watching a doughnut rolling down a hill.”  “Okay enough Larry the Cable Guy jokes it’s time we get the rock out of here.”  And so they rode on working their way thru fallen buildings and near missing bridges only stopping at rundown gas stations.  “Kendra, Bri, It’s Zac again.  Listen I’m trying to en route in the Owl jet I have room for the bikes and you 2 but there’s a giant robot crab with repeating missle launchers on it’s arms.  The jets weaponry isn’t phasing it in any way.  I need some help of the magical variety.”  “Roger that.” “Bri there’s a blown out bridge on either sides of the park let’s circle around from opposite sides distract it and turn it into a magic fried Krabby Patty.”  “By the power of Greyskull let’s do this!”  On opposite approach vectors the bombastic beautiful babes get the motorcycles in a semicircle.  She-Spawn jumps her bike and sprays the crab with machine gun fire getting its attention.  Simultaneously Hawkgirl jumped her bike squeezed it between her knees letteing her wings balance her and began firing a crossbow with arrows composed of Nth metal and sulfuric acid.  Both bikes landed and they began drawing missile fire.  Hawkgirl hurled her mace knocking out an eye.  She-Spawn slid her bike under the crab blasting green energy thru its belly as she came around one of the arms knocked her off the bike her suit acting on thought released chains and spikes to stabilize her and rip the arm off while swinging her to safety.  Hawkgirl circled the crab jumped the bike launching the mace thru the skull retrieved it and on the backswing took out the other arm.  She-Spawn drew Cryoflame and melted the robot into a runway for the jet.  “That was awesome teamwork ladies!” said the White Shadow as he descended the landing ramp.  The bikes got stowed away and the girls got inside.  “So far ladies this is the plan.  That demon Malebolgia has locked himself safely away at the La Palmera mall.  He could be roaming anywhere in there.  After our last fight I decided to bring in some help on this.  Once S.H.I.E.L.D. heard you had gotten bikes they sent an upgrade for one of them.  Bri you’re getting a gattling gun mounted on yours.  Kendra since you’re our flight worthy hero I’m taking your bike.  I have a special agent not part of the Vixen Force in the mall already doing surveillance.  Also Dagger and Raven are standing by to join us.  We’re going to swing by the helicarrier to upgrade the bike and get the others.  Upon docking they are met by an unexpected guest a Miss Karen Starr better known as Powergirl.  “Hey gang I was in the neighborhood heard about the trouble you all were having wasn’t doing much so I thought what the heck I’ll join in.  While the techs fix up the bike I brought ya’ll a care package and friends.  Cristal and Rae brought popcorn shrimp from BuffaloWild Wings.  Sabrina brought chicken parmesan from Beamers.  Amanda and Rosemary brought wings from Hooters.  Our other friend Bri from Town and Country brought turkey and dressing.  Dagger and Raven are in the mess hall.  Go dig in.  Almost forgot Shorty is here as well with Blackened fish and caldo from Tailfins.  As they descend to the mess hall and see the huge and the White Shadow’s many friends from many dining establishments, Bri jumps up and hugs Zac and thanks him for working Zac magic to make all the friends he has.  “Oh my stars and garters all this food looks so good!” she exclaimed.  “Now this makes up for the 2 chicken legs we never got to eat.”  Dagger stopped getting wings from a tray turned and said “Bri I don’t blame you for beating up Armadillo because of chicken legs but what was with the elbow drop we heard about?”  Raven looked at her and said, “What She-Spawn did was tap into the magic of the late great Macho Man Randy Savage OOOOOOHHHHHH Yeah Dig it!”  After the meal is finished and all have been sufficiently stuffed the White Shadow and the Vixens gather around to plan the assault on the mall while DJ Cindy begins to get them pumped with the Rambo theme.  Zac sat down with his team.  “I’m not going to lie to you ladies the mall is infested with small demons and the large one Malebolgia.  It’s going to be one ugly fight.  My agent in the field is doing hit and run.  Kendra and Bri that stunt you 2 pulled with the crab may be exactly what we need a multi-pronged attack relying on teamwork.  My thoughts and if ya’ll have better ones tell me.  Bri you and I should work from opposite ends of the mall on the bikes.  I’ll take Dillard’s you take JC Penny’s.  Powergirl you cover me.  Hawkgirl you and Bri seem to make an amazing team stick with what works.  Raven you and Dagger come thru the skylight cause as much chaos as you can.  In fact Dagger you go first thru and have Raven catch you.  Hawkgirl take as many little demons as you can into Oshman’s Sporting goods and do that melee combat you do so well.”  Raven looked up and said “Teen Titans go?”  Dagger simply shook her head “Girl I can’t take you anywhere without you embarrassing me.”  DJ Cindy ended the awkwardness by saying “I love it when a plan comes together.”  The group rises and takes off towards the Owl jet to the tune of Whatever by Our Lady Peace. 
          The jet departs and lands in Moore Plaza then they all begin to fan out.  DJ Cindy sends a tune to everyone’s earpieces a little ditty called Freak the Freak Out by Victoria Justice.  It just felt right.  Powergirl burst thru the doors of Dillards followed closely by the White Shadow.  The demons Powergirl didn’t melt down with heat vision or freeze with arctic breath the White Shadow rode by beating them into submission with his truncheons.  While on the JC Penny’s end Hawkgirl bashed the doors off with her mace and a primal scream.  She-Spawn rode right under her firing her gattling gun with abandon.  Bodies of misshapen demons were scattered almost the length of the mall.  The 2 girls split by the escalators Hawkgirl tossed She-Spawn a battle axe “First one to the top and whoever takes down the most demons buys the other dinner at Catfish Charlie’s.”  “You’re on Bri”  While in the food court about 50 little demons were raiding all the food joints when the skylight exploded downward Daggers light knives and Raven’s ebon magic rained down thru the upper and lower levels.  Down on the opposite end Powergirl and the White Shadow were waging sneak attacks working from store to store.  Hawkgirl and She-Spawn played their little race up the escalators with neither redhead winning.  They proceeded to Oshman’s and lured all the demons they could to the batting cage and golfing range.  Wham! Splat! Squish!  Bang! The girls became a veritable demon wrecking crew.  While down below Raven grabbed Dagger before she could hurt herself in her freefall.  Together they worked their way towards the center of the mall sending light knives and ebon blasts at anything moving while fighting back to back.  Powergirl having a weakness to magic decided on a new tactic now that her element of surprise was lost.  The White Shadow would lure a group of demons out to the open wile Powergirl deep fried them with heat vision.  She became a literal super powered sniper.  Having the skylight shattered increased her powers as the sunlight washed over her Kryptonian body.  One filthy demon grabbed the White Shadow and tried to strangle him.  The hero simply bent time and space and came up behind the little imp before he had time to fall and beat him senseless with his truncheons.  Further down the mall Dagger fell under assault and saw Raven in trouble as well.  She punched and kicked till there was enough room in the horde she had become trapped under to bring her hands together and summoned a light blast so powerful it freed her and Raven while destroying all the glass doors and windows along with the aquarium.  Raven brushed herself off slapped a dizzy demon upside the head then used her ebon magic to shoot him between the legs with a 2x4.  “Dagger thanks for the save but no one is going to believe this fish story.”  “Well Raven you know I’ve never been an environmentalist tree hugging hippie type better the fish than us.  Care for some sushi?”  “No thanks your light blast cooked that fish too long.”  All 6 heroes began working their way towards the center of the mall from different angles when a hissing sound began and screeching more annoying than 10 million nails raked on chalkboards at the same time.  Powergirl queried “Does anyone besides me smell brimstone and sulfur?”  All the heroes confirmed her suspicions something was about to happen.  As they passed the fountain a man in all red and black jumped out of the water and yelled “Hiya kids look at all the hot chicks!  Can just anyone join the demon slaying squad?”  Hawkgirl smacked the White Shadow bowling him over.  “Deadpool?  Really you agent in the field is Deadpool?  Of all the people you could ask for help you get us the one guy who hits on every woman on any planet and is crazier than a sack full of weasels?”  Dagger helped the White Shadow back to his feet.  “Um surprise ladies Deadpool has been my special agent in the field since all this mess started.  All of you are great heroines in your own right but we need someone who is just not right in the head and can be unpredictable.  Update me Wade because we just went thru a whole lot of demons to get this far.  Where is Malebolgia?”  “Well dude I was following him kinda teleporting from store to store when the hot girl in black and blue over there Crow, Chicken, Vulture or Buzzard or whatever the girl is called caught plastic Bagger or whatever I got distracted.”  Hawkgirl smacked Deadpool with the handle of her mace.  “Their names are Raven and Dagger you moron.”  The White Shadow thought for a moment.  “Okay enough.  Powergirl, Hawkgirl, Raven fly ahead the rest of us stay on ground the attack can come from anywhere.  As the 3 girls flew ahead their earpieces began playing the Powerpuff Girls theme song.  As the group moved on mannequins exploded into parts as a gigantic ball of fire erupted from the entrance to Victoria’s Secret.  On two legs with huge eyes and slavering jowls emerged the evil demon Malebolgia breathing fire and tossing bolts of azure magical energy.  Deadpool quipped “Ewww fire in the hole!”  He swung his dual automatic rifles emptying both clips lowering them to the belt at his waist slamming 2 more home.  Powergirl opened fire with her heat vision.  The White Shadow began hitting and running at super speed.  Hawkgirl was flying overhead trying to dent his scaly hide with her mace, Raven employed ebon energy to try and ensnare his legs.  She-Spawn was deflecting and hurling green energy back.  Dagger started throwing light knives at the monster’s eyes.  Maelbolgia screamed throwing off all manner of attacks.  “Plan Bri’s Popsicle Stand.” yelled the White Shadow.  Powergirl began alternating arctic breath and heat vision.  Deadpool yelled at She-Spawn teleported away for 5 seconds then ported back tossing her a rapid fire grenade launcher.  Raven and Dagger withdrew for 10 seconds then unleashed the most poerwul blasts either woman could summon.  She-Spawn was firing away while Deadpool was teleporting all over tagging Malebolgia with plastic explosives with 30 second timers.  Powergirl suddenly began to attack only with her arctic breath freezing the demon solid.  Hawkgirl went for the head with her mace while the White Shadow thumbed buttons on his truncheons extending blades with which he took out the legs.  She-Spawn finished the fight with a crater forming blast from Cryoflame.  Deadpool surveyed the damage and said “Ooohhhh did I win the Teddy Bear?”
          The ladies and gents spent a week using all their powers to restore the town.                                                                          

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