Monday, February 17, 2014

White Shadow vs Brock Lesnar

White Shadow vs. the Beast Incarnate

          It started in Connecticut on a Thursday.  “What can we do to get more heat on Brock Lesnar over the coming months?”  Asked Triple H.  JBL threw out an idea.  “How about have him beat up smaller guys similar to what was done to build up Ryback.  Instead of nameless jobbers though let it be open challenges to anyone in the arena as well as established stars.”  “Excellent idea John, start the series of matches in a week from now.” 

           Three weeks later at the Gentry’s house during an episode of Monday night Raw, “My name is Paul Heyman, my client the Beast Incarnate Brock Lesnar ……….”  The sound on the TV was suddenly turned to zero.  “Zac why did you mute the TV?”  “Because Marion, Paul Heyman and Brock Lesnar are doing the whole suck the life out of the show thing again.”  “Zac calm down a bit it’s just a show.”  “I can’t calm down for weeks now Lesnar has been doing these open challenges and each town he goes to he puts another person in the hospital.  This storyline is putting WWE stars and regular people out of work.  If you can’t work you can’t afford bacon and shrimp for your family.”  “Well what are you going to do about it?”  “The White Shadow is going to answer an open challenge in 3 weeks when the WWE comes to Corpus for Raw.”  “But Zac, he’s a monster a Beast Incarnate.”  “Marion I’m a superhero I was trained by the Beast King and Demon.  I can teleport can Brock Lesnar do that?”  “I just don’t want you getting hurt.” 

          The weeks rolled on and Zac relentlessly trained with his punching bag.  He had multiple targets in the backyard he used for attacking with his truncheons.  When he wasn’t doing all this he was using weights and running.  Twice a week he would go to a nearby gym and train in wrestling, muay thai, and krav maga.

          Week three finally came Zac and Marion and their friend Ryan went to the event.  Zac was wearing his White Shadow costume under his clothes and he had stored his truncheons above the American Bank Center on the roof so he could teleport to them easily.  “”Zac my Cisco Kid armor is out in the car you sure you don’t need some backup?”,said Ryan.  Marion said “I can transform to Thunder Kitten in moments if you need me.”  “I appreciate the offer from both of you but think about it a flaming sword and lasers and armor no too many people can get hurt.  This is between me and Brock hand to hand.  I aim to humiliate not kill him.”

          The group sat in silence and became wrapped up in watching WWE Monday Night Raw play out before their eyes.  At exactly 9:02 pm Brock Lesnar’s music hit and he walked out with Paul Heyman.  “Ladies and gentlemen my client Brock Lesnar demands competition.”  As he was talking there was a sudden sound of metal tearing and glass breaking.  Zac disappeared from his seat and appeared on the rooftop.  He secured his gauntlets and truncheons to his wrists.  He spoke into his communicator.  “Ryan has anyone answered the challenge.”  “No you’re good to go.  Be careful.”

          The White Shadow in full gear teleported once more as Heyman was still running his mouth.  He appeared next to a startled Lillian Garcia.  “Excuse me Miss Garcia may I borrow a microphone?”  Sheepishly she handed it to the green, white, and black clad hero unsure of who or what he was.  “Heyman shut up! I’m the White Shadow and I’m here to put a stop to your client’s reign of terror.”  “With all due respect White Shadow isn’t that the name of a snail in the movie Turbo?  I don’t think you want to face the Beast Incarnate.  Really what are you even supposed to be in that getup?”  “I’m one of Corpus Christi’s resident superheroes and both of you are hurting people and sucking the life out of Monday Night Raw.  I’m hereby challenging your client to and extreme rules match right here right now.  Lillian get us a ref out here.”   

          Michael Cole began chattering wildly from the announce table.  “Ladies and gentlemen this is a most unexpected development in tonight’s programming a white, green and black clad warrior has just interrupted Paul Heyman’s open challenge and requested an extreme rules match with Brock Lesnar we are awaiting the answer and arrival of a referee.”

          Brock Lesnar grabbed the mic from Paul Heyman and growled “I accept.”  Heyman slid out of the ring like a walrus and began throwing chairs, tables and kendo sticks into the ring. 

          Several miles away a couple sat watching the scene unfolding in the ring via their TV set.  The wife and kids were in the living room.  Suddenly the man’s wife Ashley yelled “Michael get in here you have to see this.  That White Shadow person you said you know is on Raw.  He just challenged Brock Lesnar to an extreme rules match.”  Michael ran from the kitchen and dropped to the easy chair.  “He’s crazy Brock is a monster he even gives Cena trouble.” 

          The White Shadow vaulted over the top rope and the bell was called for by the man in the striped shirt Charles Robinson.  Lesnar bent to grab a chair and the White Shadow ran jumped on the table in the ring and kicked him in the head.  Corpus Christi’s resident superhero dropped to the mat rolled past the lunging behemoth using his feet to launch 2 chairs in mid-air.  He stood grabbing the folding chair legs and swung them into Brock’s head.  Brock was furious he hadn’t been this hurt since The Big Show hit him with a knockout punch at the 2014 Royal Rumble.  Lesnar rose in anger and took a swing there was a strange noise and suddenly the White Shadow was behind him.  Smack smack Lesnar found himself falling after 2 truncheons connected with the back of his knees.  The strange sound happened again and the masked man was holding his head.  The White Shadow began hammering his right knee into Lesnar’s head.  Then he dropped low exploding into an uppercut yelling “Tiger uppercut!”  Lesnar flew back into the turnbuckle.  The White Shadow spoke again taking a discarded mic.  “Brock do you know what your sins are?”  He walked towards Lesnar twirling both truncheons.  Faster than the eyes could follow the truncheons became a blur hitting knees, shoulders, and elbows.  Brock this time had a counter he grabbed The White Shadow and held him ready for an f5.  The crowd erupted in a chorus of boos.  Brock tried to execute the move when that infernal noise happened again and The White Shadow was no longer in his grasp.  The crowd didn’t know exactly what was happening but it was the only time anyone could recall a Lesnar Heyman moment that didn’t suck the life out of an episode of Monday Night Raw.  Marion and Ryan began a White Shadow chant that filled the American Bank Center. 

          The entire WWE locker room of superstars and divas filed out to the ring turning it into a lumberjack extreme rules match.  “Lesnar your sins are pride, being boring and unwarranted violence.”  The White Shadow grabbed Paul Heyman and dropped him in a ddt on the steel steps.  “I’m not done with you Lesnar”  The White Shadow yelled. Lesnar grabbed two kendo sticks and stood swinging them.  His opponent appeared on the turnbuckle near the Spanish announce table.  Brock rushed towards the hero swinging his weapons.  The White Shadow sprang into the air began a series of flips, twisted and kicked Brock in the shoulders enhancing the speed of his charge making his head bounce off the turnbuckle.  Landing on his feet the hero from the City by the Sea pushed Lesnar out of the ring.  After about 3 minutes of beating on Lesnar, Roman Reigns and Big E Langston threw him back in the ring.  The White Shadow deployed the taser in his truncheon.  With Lesnar stunned The White Shadow broke the fingers on the Beast Incarnate’s left hand only muffled cries could be heard.  Mic in hand the hero spoke once more.  “Broke Lesnar consider yourself humiliated.  Decent people were put in hospitals by you for your entertainment.  They have been avenged.  When a man is unable to work he can’t afford to buy his family shrimp and bacon.  I won’t stand for you hurting a man that way in my city.”  The White Shadow put his boot on Lesnar’s chest and the ref counted the pin fall.                     

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