Wednesday, July 30, 2014

War World

War World

         They call it War World it is ruled by an evil dictator named Mongul.  The planet bristles with firepower and has it’s own propulsion system to take it place to place along with a hyper drive letting it travel between galaxies.  To visit War World would not be considered a vacation more like a trip to an ancient Roman Gladiatorial nightmare times one hundred.  A certain Kryptonian had many times visited War World and held a long standing grudge against its ruler.  If the kind benevolent Superman couldn’t stand Mongul that should be reason enough to avoid him. 
         For some sinister reason War World had been found to be on a course for Earth.  The White Shadow and Thunder Kitten sat watching the report of War World’s impending approach as described on TV.  “Marion we need some very specific help if this War World problem is going to be dealt with.”  “Just a suggestion Babe but I think Laura McKinney and Carol Danvers could be a start.”  “Just another thought Marion but I think Kendra, Jen and Karen would make great powerhouses for the arena.”  “We need an eighth member to round out things.” 
         As the couple sat thinking the yellow jaundiced face of Mongul came across the TV screen. “Greeting future citizens of War World, I am your soon to be dictator for eternity.  I am hereby accepting applications for competition in my arena.  Should someone win on Earth’s behalf (snicker not likely)I will spare you all.” 
         “Zac this is bad!”  “I know Marion, Mongul and his goons won’t be easy to beat but he can try to stop us but we’re going to win.  Like my great great grandmother said `Convince a Gentry against his will he’s of the same opinion still.’”  “So what are we going to do?”  “Contact Wonder Wharton get in touch with the heroes we picked.  It’s time for the Vixen Force! I’m going to try to get a hold of Kismet this just became cosmic in scale.  We need the help of the Four Who Are One.”  “Do you think they’ll answer?”  “I don’t know Princess but these qualify as Crazy Crazy Nights.” “Well hurry back and take Mara with you.  She and Kismet share a special connection.”  “Okay I texted Laura and Carol they’ll be here to protect you.  Not that you need it but well we are assembling the team after all.  Meet me at Hooters in an hour.  Mara come with me use your semi-wonder skills to help me track Kismet.”  “Arr arr woof.”      
         Marion watched her husband and dog leave and walked over to the computer to summon the Owl Jet and contact Wonder Wharton.  As she walked the sound of metal tearing and glass breaking faded in her ears with the passage of Zac and Mara’s teleportation.  Busily typing away on the keyboard she almost missed the arrival of the heroes she was waiting on.
         Not many people in the known universe had ever seen the passageway through the warp that the White Shadow had witnessed.  Clad in white, green and black and accompanied by a German shepherd/Beagle mix of a dog the White Shadow and Mara went in search of the Avatar of Fate.  Mara and her now deceased sister Boo Boo had once had an adventure with Kismet.  Though the dog couldn’t speak like a human she longed to say she missed the girl Kismet with the painted face.  Mara was a dog that formed great bonds with people.  Multicolored lights, faces and places streaked around the duo as Zac whispered “Find Kismet, Mara the Earth is in grave danger.”  Mara’s eyebrows started moving independent of one another in what Marion referred to as the `eyebrow dance’.  Her black and brown tail began to wag she pointed her nose left and took off running.  After about five minutes the eighty pound dog dropped to the ground and growled.  The White Shadow unhooked his truncheons from his wrist gauntlets sensing the dog’s mood to be a warning then he slowly opened a portal outward.  The portal was a bit off and the dog and owner began falling from the sky.  The White Shadow grabbed Mara about the midsection his cape catching the wind.  He whispered again in the dog’s floppy ear “Pound puppy.”  Mara relaxed under his grip letting him pull her into his chest to reduce wind drag.  The duo hit the roof of a building with Zac’s shoulder bouncing off a metal pipe.  He grunted in pain and let Mara down.  "Secure the perimeter Mara.  Great googly moogly that hurt.”  Slowly the White Shadow rose truncheons at the ready.  “Where did we end up Mara and where is Kismet?”    Looking across the street he saw Japanese and English writing on a sign above a bar that read King’s Den.  The door suddenly opened and a woman in leather pants and a pink halter top was physically thrown out landing on the ground after bouncing twice.  “I told you no fighting in my place.: yelled King.  The speaker King was a young woman with close cropped blonde hair, dressed in maroon slacks, and a white blouse.  She had used her earnings from the King of Fighters 2011 tournament to start her own bar and grill. 
         Days before War World had been spotted nearing Earth a master of weapons and sometimes sorceress was asleep in her bed in Eternia when she began having a vision of Mongul threatening a planet.  The young woman named Teela sat up in bed.  The vision was so vivid and distressing the very next morning she remembered all of it.  At breakfast she relayed the dream to her father Duncan the palace’s Man-At-Arms.  “Teela my daughter if you feel this strongly about this vision you need go.  Your destiny at this course in time seems to be hinged on this event.  Go with my permission my daughter.”  “Father a few years back I bonded with a spell to a young lady named Kismet who was so named because she was the living embodiment of the Avatar of Fate.  I as well as others gave her the ability to to draw on our friendship.  Do you suppose this vision is because of my link to her.?”  “it does sound very much like the two are related.  Go Teela journey well.” 
                On a nearby planet called Third Earth a half feline half human woman named Cheetara also had a similar vision to Teela.  She had been training and pitting her skills with a bo staff against her brother-in-arms Tygra when the vision floored her.  Tygra swung his bolo whip which Cheetara blocked with her bo staff.  She suddenly let go of her staff landing knees first on the floor of the Cat’s Lair.  The yellow and red creature on the couch spoke.  “Tygra what’s wrong with Cheetara Snarf Snarf?”  “I think she’s having one of her rare psychic visions.  “Snarf go get Lion-O fast.”  “Right away Snarf Snarf.”  Within moments Snarf returned with the Lord of the Thundercats, Lion-O and Panthro.  A soft moan escaped Cheetara’s lips as she held her head.  “Cheetara what did you see?” asked Lion-O.  “I saw a planet in danger and a group of heroes assembling and I was needed but by whom I couldn’t see.”  Lion-O reached to his waist and drew the Sword of Omens one of the most powerful magical artifacts in the Universe.  Holding the curved hilt of the sword to his eyes Lion-O spoke these words.  “Sword of Omens give me sight beyond sight allow me to see the one summoning Cheetara.”  A young lady with a painted face much like a cross between a geisha and a demon appeared before his mind’s eye.  He lowered the Sword of Omens and sketched on a paper am image of the young woman.  Cheetara leaned over his shoulder watching the image form as soon as Lion-O said the face of the woman was painted Cheetara exclaimed.  “Kismet the Avatar of Fate!”  “The Sword of Omens showed me a place called King’s Den.” “I know the place.”  “Be careful Cheetara your team is just a call away.” 
         Mara and the White Shadow descended from the building they had landed on and made their way to the entrance of King’s Den.  “Mara you stay here I doubt dogs are allowed here.”  “Grr.”  The White Shadow secured his truncheons walked to the door and pulled the handle.  It was the lack of the usual smells that surprised him.  He expected the smell of stale alcohol and maybe cigarette smoke.  What surprised him was the smell of food and absolute cleanliness.  He approached the bar and waited for King to turn around.  “Nice costume.  I don’t wany any trouble in my place or I’ll throw you out myself”  “Yeah I saw what happened to the girl in the pink top I’m not here for trouble.  I’m looking for a young woman named Kismet perhaps you’ve seen her.  She has short blonde hair and a painted face.”  Upstairs third booth said a strange man may come visit and you qualify.”  “I’m sorry where are my manners I’m the White Shadow one of Corpus Christi, Texas resident vigilante heroes.”  “Carry on then.”
         Kismet sat at a booth with a plate of pan fried fish.  Her companion Sakura sat pondering a massive shrimp poor boy.  “Sakura I sense a presence I have not felt in a long time it’s that of my friend Mara.” The White Shadow finished ascending the staircase and both ladies turned.  “Who or what is that.”, asked Sakura.  “That Sakura is the White Shadow. He’s one of the good guys I helped come to be.”  The White Shadow approached the booth and gave a slight bow.  He and Kismet took one another’s forearms in a combination of handshake and a greeting.  “Well met Kismet.”  “Well met yourself White Shadow it’s good to see you again.  This is my friend Sakura.  How may I assist you?”  “I’m sure you are aware of the War World situation.  I was hoping you might be able to convince the Four Who Are One to help in this cosmic matter somehow.”  “White Shadow I will bring this to their attention.  We already have an agent in play regarding this situation.  I can’t say who for fear of jeopardizing their cover.  Do me a favor as well allow me a chance to see Mara.  Sakura I’ll be right back tell the cooks to keep my fish warm.”  “You got it.” 
         The White Shadow and Kismet exited the building where Mara patiently waited.  After a few minutes of hugs and playing with the dog Kismet bid them a farewell and a safe journey.  “Split your teams at War World, you need a good distraction in the arena and good fighters.  Access the hyper drive and plot a really bad course to somewhere dangerous. Make Mongul regret this visit.  My agent can help.  Visit the bars you can find them.”  “Thank you Kismet for everything.”  The White Shadow teleported home dropping Mara off and then made another quick teleport to Hooters. 
         For 2 weeks she had been on War World undercover.  The course of the planet had shifted toward a planet she loved deeply.  She was determined not to let anything become of Earth if she could prevent it.  Commander Stargazer had reluctantly granted her leave to pursue her dangerous mission she had been asked by Kismet to join.  As the days passed it was becoming harder for her to stay undercover.  Guards were constantly asking for paperwork to see if she was a techniciab or contestant in the arena.  Though she could hold her own in a fight that was not part of her place or mission Kismet had told her to await the arrival of the White Warrior.  She wasn’t quite sure who or what that meant but she would be patient.  Nightly she would drift from bar to bar trying to find Nok Su Cow (the White Warrior).  Under her cloaks and disguises lay a woman who was partly metal and partly flesh she was Steelheart of the Silverhawks. 
         For some people it was a Thursday when the War World report hit the TV.  For Laura McKinney it was a day of frustration.  Sure Laura was a heroine in her own right being a member of X-Force but even heroes have bad days.  It all started at 7am when her alarm went off.  Not only did her alarm go off but it bounced off the nightstand and hit her in the forehead.  SMACK!  It started her whole day off wrong.  She got up to eat and tried to pour a bowl of Frosted Flakes .  The box of cereal fell, she tried to catch it but it knocked the bowl and spoon to the floor.  Midway down she finally caught the box on her hand claws causing Frosted Flakes to explode everywhere.  She got up to get the broom and dustpan.  The broom handle hit her in the nose as she tried to grab it.  SMACK!  She turned and ran face first into a cabinet door.  BANG!  None of these things really hurt her of course but it was the principle of the inanimate objects attacking her that was pushing Laura’s last nerve.  She walked back to her room checked her cell phone and saw a text from the White Shadow for the help of her alter ego X-23.  She read the text and began jumping up and down excitedly.  “Finally something I get the chance to hit.  This totally makes up for this totally lousy rotten day.”  The White Shadow and Thunder Kitten always got the fun adventures.  It was a guaranteed chance to lay the smackdown on some villain.  She went skipping into the hangar of the X-Men’s mansion and prepared her personal jet to leave and sent a reply she would arrive shortly.  The response she got back was from Thunder Kitten.  “Thanks for accepting Laura looking forward to working with you.” 
         She was a very loyal woman a force for good.   Today however she felt stuck.  Her desire was constantly to do the right thing but above all be the best of the best at what what she did.  She was a member of the Mighty Avengers but for some reason all of her team was away off planet.  She had seen the news report about War World and wanted to help but what could only one hero do?  Carol Danvers was frustrated and bored.  She had been doing a word search puzzle for the last 15 minutes and ironically been unable to find the word “Evade”.  She dropped the puzzle book and began pacing.  The X-Men didn’t trust her because of her history with Rogue, The FF were in the Negative Zone.  She needed to be doing something but most people considered her a reserve Avenger at best.  “What can I do to help?  I can’t do this alone.”  She pondered.  She paced some more thining aloud.  “I have flight, strength, speed, energy absorption and photon blasts as powers surely some team of heroes could use my help.  I feel frustrated and well…….grounded.  No one has grounded Ms. Marvel I’ve totally depowered myself.”  She heard footsteps and turned to see the Avengers butler, Jarvis.  “Miss Danvers I do hate to interrupt your pondering but there seems to be a rather persistent message for you from a certain White Shadow.  You can take it on that computer at your leisure.  Also here are some refreshments should you fancy a plate of cold cuts.  I’ve taken the liberty of preparing you some of the Cajun spiced turkey you seem to have a fondness for.”  “Thank you so much Jarvis.”
         Ms. Marvel walked to the computer and read her message.  “Carol Danvers/ Ms. Marvel by now I am sure you have heard the news footage of the War World problem and the threat it poses.  Your help is requested by the White Shadow to be part of the Vixen Force going to stop Mongul.  Please respond ASAP.”  Ms. Marvel willed her costume on and shot her fist in the air.  She clicked the accept button on the message and took off running for the hangar bays of the mansion throwing a door open and flying to Texas.  She launched herself straight up through the skyand executed a trick Iron Man and War Machine had taught her called a sub-orbital reentry.  You fly above the Earth wait till the place you desire rolls by and reenter the atmosphere.       
         It was a private wing unused save only by the lone inhabitant.  It was so far underground that even the oldest board members of the museum even knew it existed.  The area had not even on the original blueprints.  This was the young woman’s playground that she had spent nearly almost two years creating. There were melee weapons hanging from the wall on mounts and none of them were for decoration.  This was a dojo the size of two gymnasiums with all manner of obstacles and places one could injure themselves.  A compute bay was a room away alone with a corridor that led to a chute leading to the outside world.  The chute was full of air vents that launched the inhabitant skyward much like and aircraft carrier launching a fighter jet.  This entire set up was the makeshift home for Kendra Saunders because Hawkgirl needed a Hawk’s Nest.  She stood in the middle of her dojo and thought out loud.  “which toy to practice with today?”  She set the hologram hard light program to level 5 and began her simulated training session.  Today she would do everything without her wing harness.  Sure her wings and mace had Nth metal that gave her flight, strength and healing but Black Canary and Batman had drilled in her not to rely on powers only because when push came to shove when the powers are gone and you’re backed against a wall a warrior is only as good as the skills they know.  Each day she trained with random battle programs and different weapons.  She opened her armory and selected nunchucks, a cestus, and a scimitar.  Sliding the cestus on her right hand and securing the nunchucks to her belt she uttered the codeword to start the simulation program.    
         She got halfway through her training sequence when she heard the emergency beacon go off.  “Computer simulation end and bring up crisis projection on main view screen.”  Mongul’s message played back.  “Kendra incoming message from Wonder Wharton.”  “Put it through,”   
         “Wonder Whaton here Hawkgirl can you please contact Thunder Kitten in regards for assistance in joining the Vixen Force to stop the War World situation.”  “Request accepted I’ll be there in thirty-five minutes.  Hawkgirl out.”  Kendra grabbed another cestus for her left hand, began lacing up her boots.  She traded the scimitar for a bandolier of daggers and a belt with two sheathed swords attached.  Superman had told her about War World and she was going prepared for a fight.  “Computer prepare chute for takeoff plotting the best angle for Corpus Christi, TX.”  She put her wing harness and helmet on feeling the surge of power from the Nth metal and grabbed her mace.  Taking a running start she took off through the dojo and past the computer bay the air vents caught her wings as the chute opened.  Her body hurled skyward pulling her wings tight to her body she went higher and higher then levelled out heading from St Roch, Louisiana to Corpus Christi, TX.  With the chute launching her at the right trajectory the flight would be quick.  She spread her wings to full extension.  As she flew past a flock of ducks she yelled “Aflac.”  Her helmet eye slits displayed her route and destination along with her eta.  She was looking forward to a good fight.  Her interrupted training session left her feeling like she was missing something from her day.
         It was Jennifer Walters day off.  She was a lawyer and a darn good one at that.  She had a plan for this day that started at her local gym.  The regulars there simply called her Jen.  She learned a few years back that as homely Jennifer Walters her powers increased exponentially by ten when she worked out her human form and then changed into She-Hulk and the madder she got the smarter she got.  Any free time she got when not superheroing and lawyering she spent working out and learning new fighting styles.  She walked in and said hi to the regulars and popped her headphones in.  She started her day with jumping rope, using weights, then graduated to the ring.  She had a celebrity friend who was going to help train her in pro-wrestling.  She climbed in the ring and kept busy till Mark Callaway arrived.  She ran the ropes, did Hindu squats, then she was about to do an elbow drop to the practice dummy when a gloved hand grabbed her by the throat and chokeslammed her to the mat.   Mark Callaway was known the world over as the WWE legend the Undertaker.  A whoosh of air left Jen’s lungs as she bounced off the mat.  She managed to sit up finally and said.  “Hi Mark.”   “Hi Jen class is now in session get up and show me what you’ve got.  Oh and Hulking out is off limits.  This is about control and learning a skill set.”  Arm drop, headlock and punches, arm bar, ddt.  Move after move they went.  “You’re a small person use your speed and when you hulk up these things will be so drilled in you that you will do them without thinking.”  They kept sparring till an onlooker walked to the ring holding his phone out and said “Jen a Wonder Wharton keeps calling my phone asking to speak to you about a Vixen Force.  I don’t know this person.”  “Let me borrow your phone I promise I’ll give it right back..”  “Wonder Wharton it’s Jen what’s the stitch?”  “White Shadow and Thunder Kitten are requesting your help in dealing with a world problem threatening earth in the form of War World.”  “Tell them I’ll be there asap.”  She turned hugged Mark and then took off running to her car a rebuilt 57 Chevy pushed a button and the tires folded inward revealing rocket boosters that launched her skyward,  THWOOM!  In a flash of light Jennifer Walters was replaced by the Jade Giantess She-Hulk.  She reached down to her mp3 player and began playing “Blame it on the Love of Rock and Roll” Bon Jovi.    
            It was Thursday and Karen Starr had been avoiding the TV and board meetings at Starr Industries.  She was trying to relax.  She walked into the bathroom of her penthouse and began letting the bathtub fill up with water.  She grabbed a hand mirror and slid into the warm water.  Being Power Girl she did things differently than humans.  She tilted the mirror and used a small portion of her heat vision.  Ever patiently she tilted the angle of the mirror.  Human razors broke on her Kryptonian physique.  Sadly this was her unique way she had for shaving her legs.  “Who needs razor when you’ve got lasers.”  She thought.  Changing into clothes after her grooming ritual she headed into the kitchenfor an apple.  She closed one eye and used more heat vision to core the apple.  That’s when she heard it.  “Karen oh Karen I know your super hearing is picking me up.  Call me when you get a chance.”  Karen stood scarfing the morsel of apple.  She walked into her bedroom grumbling about Kendra interrupting her snack time.  Looking up with her super x-ray vision she spied Hawkgirl overhead.  Deet deet deet.  “Kendra what the blue blazes is wrong with youi almost choked on an apple peel when you pulled that little stunt.”  “Oh hi Karen in case you haven’t been in the loop War World is about to attack Earth and the Vixen Force needs you.  Sorry about the apple.  You know my visor is not as good as your vision.  So you wanna come help or not?  Oh and I passed some ducks and yelled Aflac.”  “You goofball you live in the same state as the Robertsons you’re lucky Si didn’t take a shot at you.  Keep flying I’ll catch up three minutes, gotta suit up.”  The phone disconnected and lounging Karen Starr was soon replaced by Power Girl the most stubborn hero on the planet.  She hit the button to open her skylight in the roof there was a pop in the air as she picked up speed and turned.  She flew by and grabbed a handhold Kendra had built into her wing harness especially for when she needed Karen to get her someplace fast.  Pop!  Both heroines shot through the atmosphere at mach 1.
         Within the hour all the heroes arrived at Hooters.  Thunder Kitten and the White Shadow were preparing and arming the owl jet getting it ready for takeoff.  Thunder Kitten clipped her electro shock morning star to her armor before speaking.  “We’re headed for a fight ladies I’’m not going to lie to you.  Now everyone get on board Zac will give you many details as we go.”  Everyone climbed aboard and they all strapped in.  There was a pregnant pause of silence and finally the White Shadow swiveled in his chair.  “Here’s the good news we have an agent in play who is undercover at the present time.  The bad news is Kismet is being cryptic and won’t give mke any info so we have to split up.  One team needs to distract in the arena the other needs to go find the agent and help sabotage War World.  Marion and I can be incognito and head up the stealth team.  Cheetara and Teela you’re with us.  That leaves Ms. Marvel, X-23, Power Girl, She-Hulk, and Hawkgirl to take the arena.  Remember you don’t technically have to win the fighting tournament because I’m sure Mongul will not keep his bargain.  However should you win I’m sure Jen can make things legal and binding. 
         Within minutes after the quick talk the owl jet achieved lift off.  Rising up to the outer rim of Earth’s atmosphere the outer space afterburners kicked in.  The owl jet was suddenly thrust into the beauty of space.  The view of the stars sun and moon was breathtaking.  Thunder Kitten thumbed the communications controls.  “Requesting permission to board War World with contestants for the arena inbound.”  “Permission granted ship TK421 resume flight yo landing bay 25.” 
         After the ship docked and secured Cheetara, Teela, Thunder Kitten and the White Shadow took off to the fighters feeding district.  They each had disguised themselves in robes of black with hoods to conceal them.  X-23, Ms. Marvel, Power Girl, She-Hulk and Hawkgirl made their way to a corridor marked contestants.  As the contestants progressed down a long hallway they came to long lines of other beings waiting to fight.  They eventually made their way to an orange alien that looked like a cross between a rhino and an elephant on 2 legs.  He wore nothing but a loin cloth and a belt with two plasma pistols in holsters.  “Sign name here head to gate 5 when your name is called the fighting will ensue for you.  Fights are won by the death or surrender of your opponent.  There are no rules.  Fight well.”
         The stealth team had walked into an endless sea of bars and street vendors.  “How in the world are we supposed to find an undercover agent here?”  Marion muttered.  “We could start a fight and see who comes to our aid.”, suggested Zac.  “I could run and the White Shadow could teleport but we still wouldn’t find the agent.  If only we had the Sword of Omens to help.”, said Cheetara.  Teela knelt on the ground and stared and then stood.  “There’s no liquid here get me into a bar I can do a simple scrying spell and see if magic will reveal anything.”    
         The hooded quartet entered a bar called Bart’s Bad Blood.  Cheetara and Marion went to the bar and ordered 5 drinks, four for the heroes and on for the spell component.  Teela pulled small mug to her and took a leather pouch from her belt..  She held up her hand for silence and took some orange sparkling dust from her pouch and spoke a strange language while sprinkling the dust in the liquid.  Teela was from Eternia and her magic spell caused a scene to unfold of the agent’s perspective walking into a bar.  She dropped her finger in the drink using the foam to write the locations name on the table: Mongul’s Mighty Fist.  Suddenly the spell ended!  “We must find this place.”  Cheetara rose walked out of the building and began running.  Approximately seven and ½ minutes passed and then Marion tapped her communicator.  “She found it Zac let’s go outside and teleport us to these coordinates.”  The trio left the bar and walked to a secluded alley.  Teela and Thunder Kitten placed their hands on the White Shadow’s shoulders.  The air was suddenly filled with sound of metal tearing and glass breaking when the trio moved rapidly between the Way Between Worlds and the air itself opened depositing them next to Cheetara who was twirling her bo staff as she waited.  They proceeded into the bar unsure of how they would find this undercover agent. 
         Meanwhile at the arena the ladies were observing preliminary fights and waiting for their names to be called.  The loud speaker broke the silence after the ending of the most recent fight.  “Laura Mckinney please enter the arena!”  As she walked towards the arena opening she heard the pre-recorded rules.  Submission of opponent or death result in the advancement through the battlefield ranks.”  Laura walked out to cheers and jeers from the crowd.  At first she couldn’t see an opponent the gate behind her closed her shut.  That’s when she saw him an opponent she had seen in previous fights.  His name was Kilgore and he looked like a unicorn had mated with a clown.  Laura muttered, “Good thing Thunder Kitten’s not here she hates clowns.”  Kilgore stood on 2 legs but she had seen it use it’s horn to behead previous opponents.  He attatcked at angles aiming for the neck.  The fight was on as soon as he cleared his gate he charged.  “It’s now or never.” Laura thought.  He was fast she’s give him that.  Charge.  She sidestepped and let him try again.  This second charge she avoided and slammed a right cross to the side of his temple letting him feel the adamantium that laced her bones rattle his skull.  She hadn’t decided to introduce her claws just yet.  Kilgore roared in anger and swung a backhand blow hard just grazing her left cheek.  He stood launching a straight punch to her nose.  She felt and tasted blood.  Now she was in a mood to fight.  He swung a low round kick to her thigh but she dropped to the ground low snkt with blades out she stabbed up straight through his hamstring.  “Your turn to bleed.”  She jumped up grabbed his horn using her forward momenteum she flipped him on his back judo style.  He got up and attempted to charge when his leg gave out on him.  He tried to rise after an embarrassing face plant.  X-23 grabbed his good leg and put him in an ankle lock.  “You can submit or I will finish you.”  “No I won’t surreneder.”  She sheathed her claws holding his foot in one hand she hauled off and kicked his leg as hard as she could causing her adamantium laced bones to shatter hid fibula.  Kilgore stammered the words “I give up.”  “There you have it creatures Laura Mckinney is your winner.” 
         Jennifer Walters decided she was going to go with the element of surprise.  She had exited the owl jet as plain old lawyer, New Yorker Jen so here was this scrawny looking woman sat among Power Girl, Hawkgirl Ms. Marvel and X-23 all in some manner of battle arrary.  Her name was suddenly called and as she walked in the arena there were boos and jeers hurled at the puny human woman.  Out of one of the gates came a large yellow crab looking creature.  Jen laughed and waved her hand in front of her face like John Cena saying “You can’t see me.”  The crab charged at her and at the last moment she did a forward roll under it.  The crowd was suddenly confused as they thought she had run right down the creature’s maw.  The arena grew quiet.  There was a flash of yellow and brown light almost unnoticeable.  Jen was replaced by the Jade Giantess She-Hulk.  Shulkie stood up grabbing a leg on either side of the creature.  Standing up to her full 7 feet 5 inches she fell back hard slamming the creature in an electric chair drop.  It tried to flip over, she grabbed it standing it on its tail and delivered a thunderous European uppercut.  “Listen up crab cakes I haven’t decided whether to tun you into Krabbie Patties or just stick you in a big pot.  If you’re not down with either of those options I’ve got two words for ya She-Hulk Smash!”  The crab fell on its back after the uppercut once more prone and thrashing its legs.  She-Hulk ran to the nearest row of stands leaped 20 feet up, balanced on the railing and dropped off delivering an incredible flying elbow drop orange guts flew as her elbow broke the creature’s abdomen.  “Gross!”, declared the Jade Giantess as she was announced the winner. 
         Unbeknownst to the quartet at the arena strange things were about to happen to the entire team.  Steelheart sat at a secluded table in the bar named Mongul’s Mighty Fist.  She was keeping her eyes peeled for danger and the arrival of the White Warrior.  She was beginning to doubt Kismet but something tingling at the back of her neck told her to be patient.  She never really had premonitions or woman’s intuition but something was there.  She had heard too many rumors of strange people in the arena today like the green woman and the viscious girl with knives in her hands and feet.  After a few minutes of thought Steelheart had her attention drawn to a group that had just entered the bar.  It was hard to tell if they were male or female but the two in front held hands with an air of familiarity.  The two people in back walked in a position behind and off to the side.  It reminded her of the earth custom of flying in the wingman position covering the aircraft in front.  It would have been easy to miss but one of the hooded people had on bright white boots.  “These people bear watching .”, Steelheart thought to herself.  She watched them take a table at an angle from hers. Across the crowded bar. 
         The quartet sat and Cheetara sniffed the air.  “Someone’s watching us I can smell the intense energy.”  Thunder Kitten asked.  “Remind me again how Kismet said the agent would find us.”  “The agent is looking for a White Warrior.”, said the White Shadow.  “Well that would be you.  How about we use your original idea and start a brawl and give you a chance to get the agent’s attention.”, said Teela.  “Well I’ve always wanted to see what a barroom brawl was like firsthand. How should we start this off.”, asked the White Shadow.  Cheetara scanned the room and popped off an idea.  “Fourth table from the bar wait till someone brings back drinks for their table.  One of us willhave to trip them.  In the chaos that ensues we start throwing punches and let our robes come off and the agent will see us and hopefully join the fray.”  Teela opened her robe slightly and withdrew her magic staff.  She grinned and said “Someone’s going for a trip I hope they like the fall.” 
         Steelheart leaned back against the wall she saw the quartet working their way through the room.  They still seemed to be watching each other’s backs.  She didn’t know what but something was definitely going on. 
         Meanwhile in the arena a name was called “Karen Starr of Krypton representing Earth.”  Mongul had gotten bored with the fights and started eating frog bats a scantily clad female slave had brought him.  When he heard the word Krypton he hurled the morsel of food.  He rose to his full height and watched Power Girl fly into the arena.  She landed and stood looking up at him.  “Hey Mongul how about we skip the warm up fights and you come down here and I’ll beat your yellow skin so bad with my blue gloves that you turn greener than She-Hulk over there?” “You amuse me Kryptonian but you must prove yourself wothy to face Emperor Mongul.”  Ms. Marvel stood from the floor she sat on.  “Talking about yourself in the third person Mongul only Dr. Doom is nearly cool enough to do that.”  Hawkgirl, X-23 and She-Hulk ran to either side of Power Girl and Ms. Marvel.  Power Girl addressed Mongul again.  “The 5 of us Mongul against you and whoever you can find to join you.  What are you afraid of getting your butt handed to you by a bunch of girls.?” 
         Back at Mongul’s Mighty Fist Teela had just put their plan into effect.  She had used her staff to cause a horned lobster like creature to spill six drinks on a table full of ratmen.   Cheetara, Thunder Kitten and the White Shadow used the commotion to randomly punch the creatures nearest them and then ducked.  The whole bar erupted in a flurry of punches and kicks.  Chairs began flying and crashing into bodies.  Cheetara unleashed her telescoping bo staff.  Thunder Kitten deployed her shocking morning star.  The White Shadow jumped on a table dodging a swinging bottle and discarded his robes revealing his green and white costume.  He drew the truncheons from his gauntlets and waded back into the fray.  The heroes may have started the brawl but they were going to enjoy it as well while it lasted.  As the fighting grew more fierce Thunder Kitten glanced at her husband and yelled.  “Hey Nok Su Kow your mask resembles the Celestial.”  “Your helmet has the markings of the Beast King.”  They dodged objects flying their way.and glanced at Teela who bore the markings pf the Starchild and her eye on her left side was launching starbursts fueled by emotion.  Cheetara and Steelheart fought back the cat like hero now painted like the Demon and the girl who was partly metal and partly real bore the paint of the Celestial. 
         At the arena it was absolute insanity the girls had challenged Mongul but he literally threw a temper tantrum sending all his warriors at them.  Kismet and the White Shadow had suggested a distraction well this was going to be the mother of all distractions.  Power Girl’s face contorted and her face was suddenly painted like the Demon.  The Four Who are One had sent help to the White Shadow in a very strange way.  The heroes were taking on the abilities of the cosmic beings.  Fire shot from Power Girl’s mouth.  She-Hulk’s eye projected starlight and emotion channeling the Starchild.  X-23 sprouted fangs and her face portrayed the Beast King.  Hawkgirl’s mace was blasting the power of the Celestial.  Ms. Marvel became the embodiment of pure emotion fighting with the power of the StarChild.  It was all out melee.
         Back at the Bar the White Shadow began teleporting his team out one by one knowing they still had to sabotage the planet’s hyper drive system.  The hardest person to teleport out was Cheetara because she was channeling the powers of the Demon and was basically going crazy spitting blood and trying to continue fighting.  The White Shadow finally got them to gather around and focus.  Steelheart gave them the exact location of the hyper drive.  Teela boosted the White Shadow’s powers with her magic to allow him the ability to teleport them all at once to the control room.  With all the heroes working as a team the planet was soon set on collision course for the most dangerous asteroid field near the planet Hoth.  Mongul was about to find himself between a lot of rocks and hard places.  The White Shadow thumbed a device on his belt summoning the dna teleport device on the owl jet.  Thunder Kitten reached to her belt activating the jet’s autopilot.  In less than ten minutes the ship was away and War World was headed for a really bad rock concert. 

Director’s Cut

         So in December of 2013 I started a story and I had every intention of writing this much differently.  I had 2 friends I was going to turn into heroes but when I ran the idea past them I was told they weren’t sure about me using their names in it.  If I had a friend who was a writer and used my name to turn me into a heroe I would be honored but not all people think that way.  So there I was for a while mad because having the story with no use for it I was confused.  It’s a bit like starting to cook a meal and not finishing it.  One day in February I told Marion.  “I’m going to write the story anyway.”  I rewrote the first half all over and for a while thoughts flowed and then they stopped.  I started typing it up with the intention of letting my friend Clyde give me more ideas. Then I stopped.  My friend Jim told me one day.  “Let the story write itself.”  My friend Esme set up a poetry contest at work and my brain got back into writing.  Over the months I had ideas at the strangest times and began to write a lot.  One night I suddenly had the ending In my head as I drove to work.  I just needed the path to get there.  May-July the thoughts assembled to what you have read.
         In 1998 I became a Kiss fan because of the Alive 3 cd being put in the jukebox of the Pizza Hut I worked at.  Years later I got to collect the Kiss comics and to this day I look forward to new ones.  I’m more of a fan of the comics than the music.  In Todd McFarlane’s incarnation of the Four Who Are One(the Kiss Members) were human avatars of cosmic beings bound to the Psycho Circus by ancient magic.  I have woven that story into the White Shadow and developed Kismet into my own heroes mythos.

         To me Bloodsport has always been one of the greatest martial arts films ever.  I wanted to create a superhero tribute to the movie along with homage to Kiss.  Also for those that have seen the movie Kickboxer you would remember Jean Claude Van Damme was called Nok Su Kow which is Thai for the name White Warrior.  I hope someone reads this crazy tale and just sees it all in their head.  The heroes I picked well there some of my favorites.    

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing the link, I had not read this story before. Nice job Zac!!
