Monday, January 19, 2015

Operation Happy Hollyday

Operation Happy Hollyday

Cast of Characters
Laird Destro-Weapons and munitions creator and supplier and part time leader of Cobra a ruthless terrorist organization determined to rule the world.
Zaranna-Master of disguise, overall chaotic nutcase, biker chick.
Dr. Holly Emerson- Dr. of pediatrics/ civilian
Thunder Kitten/ Marion Gentry- Housewife/Volunteer/Vigilante.  Magical armor, flaming sword and electro shock morning star.  Has the ability to summon armor and weapons from thin air by concentrating. 
Psylocke- Member of X-Force and X-Men.  Telepath and Ninja Has the ability to create psychic manifestations of her weapons capable of disrupting the synapses in the brain.
Sir Clyde/Clyde Johnson- Knight, Warrior and loyal friend. Wields mystical sword called Stardust that channels heat from a volcano and ice from a meteor and uses hard light armor. 
White Shadow/ Zac Gentry-Vigilante hero/customer service rep.  Derives powers from the cosmic entities known as Kiss.  Deploys truncheons and teleportation.
Mara the Semi-Wonder dog-Four legged beagle/ German shepherd mix of a dog. 
White Lion/David Hill- Artist extraordinaire, part time superhuman, teacher, museum curator, and cuddle club veteran.  Has the ability to take a talisman from Eternia and become an albino lion man with a mace called Minerva that fires concussive blasts. 
Domino/ Neena Thurman- mutant with the ability to manipulate luck and a weapons expert.
Robin/ Stephanie Brown- High school student, detective, martial arts expert, sidekick to Batman
Miko- Galaxy Ranger, defender of multiple galaxies.  Wields a high powered laser shotgun and six shooters.  Has psychic visions of the future and can sense things psychically by touch.
Siryn/ Theresa Cassidy- Mutant with sonic based powers.  By manipulating her vocal chords she can fly or incapacitate an opponent.  Trained in many martial arts and pro-wrestling. 
Korra- Born from a line of airbenders.  She is the avatar she has mastered the elements of earth, fire, air, and water and can bend them to do whatever she wishes.  Can sense and see things by touching spirit vines. 
Nina Williams- trained assassin, master of weapons and hand to hand combat.  Winner of the King of Iron Fist tournament aka The Tekken.  Has little to no memory of her past but her combat skills are off the charts. 
Mai Shiranuri- Cook, martial arts expert, last of a ninja clan.  Choice of weapon handheld fans.

        Screech! Sounded the brakes and tires of the B-Line bus.  It was very early on a Wednesday morning.  Mara went to the living room window looked out and started barking.  Marion walked thru the room with purpose.  “Mara be quiet you’re going to wake your dad.”  Marion grabbed her vest and purse and proceeded out the door.  She boarded the bus and greeted her driver Geneva.  Sitting down she took out her iPhone and began catching up on Words with Friends.  Marion had made this same trip more times than she could even count on her fingers and toes.  She smiled because she was headed to her happy place.  Marion was a volunteer at Driscoll Children’s hospital and she was going to do what she enjoyed greatly.  She was also a housewife and a part time vigilante hero.  The hospital had never really needed a superhero before but Marion was always ready with her alter ego Thunder Kitten when problems arose.  Her mystical sword and armor were never but a thought away.  Her husband Zac was also a hero in his own right known as the White Shadow. 
        Her bus driver Geneva looked into the rearview mirror.  The windshield was suddenly lit up by lightning.  “This storm is starting Marion I’m going to have to drive a bit slower.  When we get to the hospital I’m going to attempt to get you as close as possible to the entrance.”  “Thanks Geneva.”
        The alarm sounded and the brown haired woman slowly rolled over.  This was her first visit to Earth in 4 years.  Her own bed felt so much better than her own cramped quarters on the Galaxy One star cruiser she had been living on.  For the past 4 years Miko had been on a multi-galaxy tour with her team the Galaxy Rangers. Miko sat in bed using her palms to work the sleep from her eyes.  She walked to the bathroom and flipped the light on.  She opened the mirror, reached for something in the cabinet and instantly found her hands going down onto the sink.  The world around her seemed to swim out of focus she hated this part of her psychic visions.  She mentally saw a redheaded woman fall from a window, begin screaming downward and somehow keep herself aloft by merely screaming.  The redhead continued to somehow propel herself upward back through the window she had fallen from and spear a gunmen about his midsection with her right shoulder.  Miko glimpsed an emblem on the wall moments before the vision ended and then she fell to the floor.      
        The thunderclap was so loud it woke the young brunette.  She straight up in bed and stared at her alarm clock.  “Oh drat!”  She exclaimed.  She had overslept by twenty minutes.  “Pa Pa is going to be so upset with me.”  Mai Shiranuri helped her father at the Huai Tai oriental restaurant.  Mai was one of the best cook’s n town.  Fixing sushi was something she enjoyed.  When she was not slinging food she was kicking butt across the city as a vigilante martial artist.  Mai jumped out of bed threw on her uniform and wound her brown hair into buns on either side of her head.  She grabbed a set of red and white chopsticks and ran them through the buns to hold her hair in place.  Mai grabbed her keys and purse and took off running through the rain to her 91 Chevy Beretta.  She pulled out of the driveway onto Little John and headed towards Alameda, not knowing shortly she would be in a big fight. 
        Half a world away in Scotland a man in an iron mask paced the hallway.  Servants of his castle knew better than to disturb him when he paced.  The man was a master of weapons and he made a living buying and selling them.  Laird Destro owner of Mars Enterprises was a true Lord of War.  The issue disturbing him today however didn’t involve weapons but a small boy that was his illegitimate son of his indiscretion with a Cobra agent named Copperback.  Her son Adam had a rare disease that was eating him away from the inside and Destro needed to find a doctor to treat Adam. His agents were scouring the world for someone specializing in Adam’s condition.  He turned at the sound of jet engines outside.  It wasn’t an uncommon sound but it may just be the Firebat pilot he had sent on a special errand. Laird Destro strode down the hall and out to the landing strip.  Waiting till the dust settled and the backwash of the jet engines finally died down, he approached the pilot.  The pilot’s form was definitely female and appeared she had been poured into the almost skin tight flight suit.  The pilot removed her helmet and her close cropped pink hair shook in the wind.  In a bass voice Destro asked.  “Do you have news for me Zaranna?”    “I do there is a young doctor in Corpus Christi, TX named Holly Emerson who has treated multiple cases similar to Adam’s with a select team.”  “Most excellent Zaranna assemble a team of Mambas and Hiss tanks we will place this hospital under siege till we get this woman and her team.  Also prepare an extraction team.”  “As you wish.”
        Previously the night before a young man name David had been at the hospital and he was also a volunteer at the hospital.  He had stayed overnight as the hospital was short on Cuddle Club helpers.  The Cuddle Club members were special people who worked on the 5th floor comforting and rocking small children when they’re parents weren’t able top be around.  When David wasn’t painting, teaching, or helping at Driscoll He often helped The White Shadow and Thunder Kitten fight crime.  David woke with his thoughts a little muddled.  “It is hard to sleep in a hospital.”  Suddenly the pa system interrupted his musings.  “Dr. Emerson to room 515!”  “I’m happy Holly is here but that pa system is making me want to become the White Lion and break something.  Where was that cafeteria lady?  Looks like I’m going downstairs.” David also happened to be a hero by the name of the White Lion.  He was given special powers by the sorceress of Eternia When David held a magical talisman and called on the fangs of Castle Grayskull he was transformed into an albino lionman that carried a mystical mace he called Minerva that was capable of firing concussive blasts.  Right now however David was hungry and the cafeteria was all the way in the basement.  As he rode the elevator down he pondered this thought.  “I’m in a children’s hospital why in the world is the cafeteria so near the morgue?  That is just so disturbing to adults and kids.” 
        As David reached the basement floor he walked towards the cafeteria and his stomach growled.  There were so many good smells assaulting him at once.  He saw the breakfast special was hash browns casserole with eggs bacon and peppers.  He briefly considered it then remembered sweet little Ms. Beatty the lady who was only there at breakfast and she manned the omelet station with her granddaughter Megan West.  He headed straight for the two ladies and the open faced grill.  “Megan looked up from carrying a container of shredded cheese and said “Hi David.”  Ms. Beatty looked up from a stack of bacon.  After they exchanged greetings and pleasantries and his order she said.  “I’m praying for you David.”  “Thank you Ms. Beatty I need that more than you know.”  As David entered the dining room he spied an old friend.  “Mind if I join you?”  Asked David.  Clyde looked up and grinned.  “Didn’t think I was going to run into the White Lion today.  Where’s the rest of Voltron?”  “  Very funny.  I think a certain Thunder Kitten should be here shortly.  So what brings Sir Clyde here today without your armor and Stardust?”  “My son Dimitri is having a follow-up visit after fracturing his elbow a month ago.”  “Ouch man.  You see that sweet gray haired lady and the young blonde at the omelet station that’s Ms. Beatty and her granddaughter Megan go tell them why you’re here and I guarantee you will have two of God’s greatest prayer warriors praying for Dimitri.”  “Thanks David I’ll be around a bit today till the usual tests are run.”
        After Marion and her bus driver Geneva parted ways the storm outside became more intense.  Meanwhile in another part of town a young lady in a strange outfit was standing in the rain.  She was moving her arms and legs in a sort of martial dance.  Curiously the water was not touching her.  She seemed to be doing something to it as it was falling down.  She had her dark black hair pulled back into foot long braids.  She was standing just in the courtyard in the Earth Temple off of Brawner Parkway.  Korra was the Avatar a master of elements.  As she stood in the rain she was simultaneously bending air, water and electricity.  To Korra this Wednesday was turning into a fun day of bending.  To the people who think storms are gloomy Korra said “Pffft!” 
        Down the hall in room 515 back at Driscoll Dr. Holly Emerson, a tall thin young brunette lady, was checking up on one of her favorite patients Lola Thompson.  Lola was a vibrant young redhead with an intense amount of freckles and the cutest smile on the planet.  Lola’s mom Alisha and Lola’s little sister Roxy were patiently waiting patiently on Dr. Emerson to clear Lola for release from the hospital.  Before she walked in the trio had been enjoying the enormous breakfast of French toast and bacon provided to Lola.  She had been given a choice of things to eat that morning and remembered her friend Zac had mentioned that was one of his favorites and Lola had wanted to try it.  As Holly walked in she saw Lola smile with enthusiasm.  Not only was Holly Lola’s doctor but she also took care of Lola in child care at Real Life Corpus.  “Good morning Lola, Alisha and Roxy.”  Holly handed off the chart to a nurse named Anissa.  “You’re good to go Lola as soon as you finish your breakfast.  Anissa here should have you checked out in minutes and she’ll give you a free wheelchair ride and you’ll be on your way.  Remember Lola be careful I want to visit you at church but not at the hospital.”  “I got it Ms. Holly.”  “Ya’ll have a wonderful day.” 

        Several hundred feet below ground in a dark cave under Gotham city was a waterfall and a rustling of bat wings. While it was a cave it also housed some of the most state of the art weaponry, vehicles, computers and exercise equipment.  A young woman with blonde hair was in gym shorts and a t-shirt.  She was working out using a punching bag and sparring dummies.  Stephanie Brown was underneath Wayne Manor in the Bat Cave and she was trying to find something to do while Batman was out of town with the Justice League.  Suddenly and without any warning whatsoever the hero wave signal went off on the main computer.  She ran from her sparring grabbed the chin up bar vaulting in the air did a handstand and gracefully landed in the computer chair.  “Password please.”  “Computer user name Robin the fourth password the cute one. Hero wave signal provide info.”  Stephanie Brown/Robin sat reading and listening to hacked audio files from Castle Destro.  She double checked the video clips noticed the tanks, copters and various weaponry being assembled with troops.  “Computer send coordinates to DCH to the Robin Wing and clear me a flight path. Holy cow this is going to be bad.  I’m going to need backup.  Computer contact agent from Batman Incorporated files Nina Williams send her all Hero Wave info for this Castle Destro event I will pick her up on the way.  Plot pick up in my route as well.”  Getting up from the computer she ran to the armory and selected a utility belt, bo staff, grapnel gun and her throwing discs.  She laid these down and changed into her Robin costume.  She walked to the vehicle bay and waited on the scaffolding engine to bring around the Robin’s Wing.  It was a two seat mini jet of her own design Bruce Wayne had paid for her to use on solo missions.  The weapons could be fired via the pilot or co-pilot’s controls.  The jet itself was a cross between an X-Wing and A-Wing fighter.  Where an A-Wing was squat and bug shaped her jet at the backend had the split wing functions of an X-Wing.  The water from the waterfall stopped flowing as she boarded the jet and the hangar bay opened for her.  FWOOSH! As Stephanie shot skyward she leveled the jet out on her path and headed to pick up Nina. 
Nina Williams sat in a hangar hidden in Waxahachie, TX, She had been at the local Dairy Burger when Robin had contacted her.  She began reading the encrypted files on her computer.  As a member of Batman Inc. she was an agent he and any members of the Bat family of heroes could call on for assistance.  Over the years there had been five people fighting Crime under the guise of Robin this one happened to be a girl and Nina had seen her in action before.  Nina had the skill set of a highly trained assassin but her memories had been messed with.  At one time she had fought in the King of Iron Fist tournament known as Tekken.  She had won and gotten the attention of a young girl named Stephanie Brown who introduced her to Batman.  Nina had never made the connection that Stephanie and Robin were one and the same person.  After Nina reviewed the files she was sent she went through her inventory of weapons she had at her disposal.  She set out 2 mp5 machine guns, a bow and quiver and a Katanna.  Going back to her laptop she hit the ready for pickup button.  Miles away in the air Robin got the signal and fired the afterburners.  She was travelling a little over Mach 2 currently.
        It was a little after 10 am and Miko was finally able to awake from her vision.  She hadn’t been on Earth in such a long time she was unsure of what to do about her vision of the future.  She went online and scanned a drawing of the symbol she had seen on the wall before the redhead had fallen out of the window.  “DCH what does this mean?”  She thought and thought and finally hit her comm badge.  “Goose it’s Miko I need help one of my psychic visions has left me with an image I can’t quite place.”  “Go ahead Miko describe or send me all the details you have.”  Miko sat and relayed all the details she could and then sent him her drawing.  “I’ll get back to you when I have something Miko.”  To pass the time she pulled out her custom six shooters.  They were patterned after old western weapons but as a Galaxy Ranger she had custom weapons that fired high powered lasers.  She methodically began cleaning her weapons.  Beep Beep She tapped her comm badge.  “Go ahead Goose.”  “Your symbol is the logo for a place called Driscoll Children’s Hospital in Corpus Christi, TX a town surrounded by water.  I sent the location to your ship’s computer.  Doc really had to help on this one.  The woman you saw appears to be a Theresa Cassidy a member of something called X-Force some sort of mutant team based in the Adirondack Mountains.  I was unable to get much more than a strange number.  Doc said its most likely a voice mail to something else called X-Men.  Not sure if any of this helps you.”  “Thanks Goose thanks for everything I owe you and Doc both dinner.”  Miko rose from her chair and went back to her computer and put on her headset using the device to place a call to the voicemail number provided.  She was a bit nervous and not sure what to say to it.  Promptly a message started.  “Thank you for calling Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters.  If you want to know more of the school and what we offer press 1 if there is an emergency requiring intervention press 2 if you require further help press 3.  Miko hung up and sat thinking.  “Where am I calling?”  So she dialed again and pressed 3 “Please leave a brief description and someone will get back to you.”  BEEP “Hi my name is Miko and this may sound strange but I have psychic visions and have seen something happen to a Theresa Cassidy.  I’m a member of a team called the Galaxy Rangers.  Please contact me regarding this.”  Not even ten minutes passed and she had a call from a woman known as Psylocke.  Miko talked to the very British sounding woman who said luv 13 times during the call.  Psylocke told her to stay where she was and within 2 hours she would be there with 2 someone’s named Domino and Siryn.
        Under the supervision of Destro, Zaranna had just confirmed the readiness of the troops and Cobra tanks, helicopters, and mini jets. They would be heading up the assault from a massive air ship that could house the vehicles and troops.  “All is in readiness Laird Destro we depart as soon as you issue the command.”  “Excellent Zaranna proceed with liftoff and Operation Happy Hollyday!”  Zaranna issued the commands and the airship shuddered and began to take off.  Official had been bribed and their flight path was clear.  The Cobra forces thought this would be easy they had no idea about the speedbumps in the form of heroes they would soon face. 
        At Xavier’s School for Gifted Youngsters Psylocke had summoned Siryn from the swimming pool area.  “Theresa meet me in the main chamber in 10 minutes.”  She psychically summoned.  Psylocke had the body of an Asian supermodel with deep purple hair but she came from British descent. Teresa Cassidy soon joined her.  “Teresa I received a strange call from a lady name Miko seems she saw a vision of you at Driscoll Children’s Hospital using your mutant abilities to fight a man who knocked you from a window.  Sounds like a fight we’re supposed to be part of.  Domino has the Blackbird prepped to go meet with her.”  “I’ll meet you in the hangar once I get my uniform.” 
        Meanwhile at Hua Tai, Mai was hard at work after a brief tongue lashing from her father.  The restaurant was a blur of activity as she was preparing all the soups for the day.  She was delicately carrying a cartoon of eggs from one end of the kitchen to the other.  When she had to prepare egg drop soup it required a lot of eggs. 
        Marion sat at the gift shop when the phone rang.  “Hello DCH rehab gift shop how can I help you?”  “Marion this is Dr. Lambert I need 2 dozen oatmeal raisin cookies ASAP.”  “You got it give me 15-20 minutes.”  It had started to be a really slow day so she was really glad to have something to do. 
        It was very quiet but something was out of place.  Nina had the skills of an assassin and prided herself.  On being able to pick out sounds that shouldn’t be there.  She began tapping her keyboard and setting her security cameras to scan.  “There you are gotcha!”  She waited as the Robin’s Wing landed.  Grabbing her gear she ran outside.  Robin beckoned her to come aboard.  As she climbed in she let out a low whistle.  “Robin this is the sweetest looking jet I’ve ever seen.”  “Thanks I designed it and Batman mad it according to my specifications. There’s weapons controls in the pilot and co-pilot’s seats, also its split wing like and X-Wing.  Fighter.  Make sure you’re buckled in because this little bird can really movie.”  “Got it.”  The Robin’s Wing lifted upward and rocketed towards its destination. 
        The rain had finally stopped and Tenzin had called Korra inside the Earth temple informing her Jinorra had a vision to relay to her.  Entering the temple approached Jinorra and asked what she had seen.  “It was very unclear Korra but something bad is going to happen nearby today involving a woman with pink hair and man with an iron mask.  Driscoll Children’s Hospital is involved somehow.”  “Come on Jinorra let’s see if I can tap into the spirit vines,” Korra and Jinorra made their way to a garden on the east wing of the temple.  A massive tree grew up the side of the wall and over the roof.  Korra closed her eyes and placed her palm of her right hand on the trunk of the jade colored tree.  She willed energy to flow from her body.  Half a state away she saw the massive Cobra airship through the eyes of a sparrow.  Then the scene shifted to a young doctor with a name tag that read Holly.  “Korra what is it you’re as white as can be?”  “I’ve got to go Jinorra my friend Holly is in danger.”  “Do you need my help?”  “No stay here I have strange feeling help will present itself.”  Korra ran to the temple grabbed her air glider summoned the element of air to her and became one with the breeze as the storm had passed and it was now a clear day. 
        By now the Blackbird was airborne on its way to Miko’s location.  In the cockpit was Domino a mutant master of luck and a weapons expert.  Her face was painted white and she had a black spot around her left eye making her look like the dog in Target ads.  She was clothed in deep blue battle armor with a sword across her back and a plasma pistol holstered at her hip.  Domino was a woman of mystery only a few select people knew her name to be Neena Thurman.  Seated next to her in the co-pilot’s seat was Teresa Cassidy also known as the mutant Siryn.  Like the sound of her codename from the mythical creatures Siryn’s powers were sonic based.  She had red hair and was clothed in a bright yellow and green jumpsuit with collapsible wings connected from her sleeves to her ribs.  Her sonic cry could be harnessed to help her fly or take down opponents.  The true power of her sonic cry had not been fully measured, but she had been known to destroy titanium walls.  Directly behind her was Elisabeth “Betsy” Braddock known as Psylocke.  Psylocke was a powerful telepath with all the skill set of a ninja.  As of late Psylocke had gone from simply making a psychic knife with her powers to making medieval weapons.  She had been often employing crossbows and enormous swords with psychic manifestations.  The Blackbird was in stealth mode about to make downfall in Drummond Montana where Miko was awaiting their arrival.  
        It was now 2:15pm and business was about to pick up.  In a secluded park a few miles from the hospital called Collier Park the massive Cobra airship was currently making landfall.  Mamba helicopters and Mark 2 Hiss tanks were deploying from the underbelly of the airship.  They would soon be boarded by pilots and soldiers.  Laird Destro had spared no expense to put Operation Happy Hollyday into effect.  He was not to be denied.  Once all the Hiss tanks deployed they began making their way to Brawner Parkway covered from the air by Mambas.
        Meanwhile as the attack was beginning Zac had arisen from slumber as he worked nights and was used to sleeping during the day.  He was going about his routine of fixing a bowl of Fruity Pebbles as Mara the Semi-Wonder dog followed him around the house.  He didn’t know his midday enjoyment was about to be interrupted by someone with purple hair. 
        Siryn, Psylocke and Domino made their way to the quaint little house that Miko called her home away from the stars.  She greeted them and let them in and began to tell her tale of her vision leaving nothing out.  When she was done the three ladies from X-Force sat looking at her not saying a word.  It somewhat unnerved Miko as she had never met people who held a psychic rapport and conversed with each other in their minds without words.  Finally it was Betsy who broke the silence.  “Miko we’re going to help you and hope you will be helping us.  I know a hero in Corpus Christi and he and his wife are very connected with the hero community.  His wife works at the place you saw in your vision.  Not only are the hospital staff and children at risk but so is Thunder Kitten and I owe the White Shadow a favor.  Give me five minutes alone, pack whatever you need for a fight.  Domino go prep the Blackbird and check all the weapons.”  Psylocke went and sat on the bathroom floor and began focusing her thoughts.  Using her telepathic powers she sent a psychic summons. “Zac can you hear me this is Betsy Braddock.  The hospital your wife works at is about to be in grave danger.  Help is on the way but you need to get there ASAP.” 
        Zac dropped the spoonful of Fruity Pebbles and got up from the couch.  “Mara Owl Jet summoning pad now.”  Marion and Zac had created a device designed specifically designed for their dog to summon the Owl Jet from hiding at Hooters.  There had been emergencies where help was delayed to the citizens of Corpus because getting to the jet was not feasible in time.  Having Mara summon the jet freed up time to prepare for missions and sent the jet in stealth mode right into the backyard.  Zac ran to the bedroom opened the headboard and pulled out his White Shadow costume.  After sliding all the costume components into place he waited for the jet.  He had already heard Mara press her paws down and bark 3 times.  He spoke into the cowl in his mask.  “Hero wave display all heroes in the Driscoll Children’s hospital area.”  An image display began showing on the backside of his mask with a map, hero’s names and contact query beside their names.  He said “Send names to Hootie”.  “Hey Mara time to be a Semi-Wonder Dog get your fur in gear Momma’s in danger.”  Mara ran down the hall and came back with a mask and a red cape that Zac put on her.  The White Shadow and the Semi-Wonder Dog took off to the backyard and boarded the Owl Jet.  Zac checked the Hero Wave data and flipped the contact all switch.  Within moments Sir Clyde, Mai, Thunder Kitten, White Lion and Korra would receive an update of impending danger.  Sure the White Shadow could have teleported to the hospital with Mara but by taking the Owl Jet they were bringing extra firepower to the fight. 
        Within moments after Zac’s warning Cobra forces converged on the hospital from Texan Trail and Alameda.  Two Hiss tanks began firing heavy duty lasers into the left wing of the main hospital that was under construction.  Marion was in the gift shop when the blasts began rocking the landscape.  Two Mamba helicopters began circling the parking lot destroying cars at random.  Marion finally looked down at her phone and saw the Hero Wave alert.  She locked the gift shop and went down the hall past the rehab registration and saw the devastation in the parking lot.  She loudly proclaimed “Oh heck no not in my happy place.”  The alarm system sounded and her buddy Old Glenn was speaking into the PA system.  “Code strong I repeat Code Strong the hospital is under attack by unknown assailants.”  Even knowing he couldn’t hear her Marion said.  “I know who they are Glenn but its still not fixing this Die Hard situation.”  She turned to the receptionist and said.  “You heard the man Code Strong is in effect get these kids and adults somewhere safe.”  She rounded a corner and summoned her magical sword Widow Maker and her armor from the pocket dimension it was housed in.  There was a sudden rush as the armor took her disabilities in her legs, back, ears and eyes and temporarily healed them.  She was a bit unsteady as this happened then the fastest girl in leg braces became a knight in teal armor and she charged out the nearest exit.  She placed Widow Maker her flaming sword in its scabbard and surveyed the side of the hospital.  She saw a groundskeeper fleeing in a golf cart.  She was now no longer Marion but the vigilante Thunder Kitten and it was time someone began taking the fight to Cobra.  As the golf cart neared she lashed out with her secondary weapon a morning star that channeled electricity.  As the chain went taut she swung on board and pushed the driver out.  “Sorry superhero business I need your cart.  Run get out of here as fast as you can.  I’m going to do what I can to help.”  Thunder Kitten checked the Hero Wave to see if any other heroes were inbound.  “Let’s see Sir Clyde is in the main hospital along with the White Lion.  The Owl Jet is 5 minutes out.  Hmm Robin Wing that’s unknown to me.  Hua Tai!  Mai Shiranuri!  She better drop some food and get over here fast.  Extend range please.  Hmm Zac mentioned Psylocke she must be farther off.”  Looking up from the golf cart she saw troops rappelling down the top of the main hospital and to the parking lot.  “Aw Crap!”
        Domino had just landed the Blackbird about a mile away in Brawner Parkway.  She grabbed a jetpack and handed one to Miko.  Siryn grabbed Psylocke and they flew the rest of the way.  The 4 of them went straight to the roof of the hospital and began fighting Cobra soldiers.  
At this point Clyde was on the second floor in the x-ray waiting room and heard the blasts and saw the Hero Wave alert.  He typed an intricate code in his cell phone and tapped a button on his belt.  He ran down the hall and waited by a window.  With his phone he had sent a pre-programmed command to his car Rumble to send his sword Stardust to his position.  The magic in his sword allowed it pass through the window without breaking it.  He activated the hard light polymer armor from his belt and Clyde was replaced by the Knight Sir Clyde.  He ran back and grabbed his son Dimitri by the hand. ”Come on son let’s go save some lives.” “But Dad what about my x-rays?”  “Son you’re going to have to trust your dad this.  A lot of people are going to get hurt or killed if we don’t do something to stop this attack.”  At this point Clyde and David were separated by the second to fifth floors.  Sir Clyde started checking the Hero Wave app in his phone and saw that there were heroes inbound.  Sir Clyde looked out the second story window and saw 4 armored personnel carriers in a line at the entrance ramps letting out squadron after squadron of Vipers (crack infantry soldiers of Cobra).  A frown crossed his face and Dimitri studied his dad with concern.  “What is it Dad what’s wrong?”  Clyde pointed out the window.  “We need backup in a big way.”
        Siryn, Domino, Miko and Psylocke had progressed from the roof to the private facility on the 8 floor.  They thought they had secured everything till the stairwell doors opened and squads of Iron Grenadiers poured out and began opening fire on them.  Doctors and nurses began screaming!  Miko took cover behind the nurse’s station and returned fire with her six shooters.  Domino combat crawled to her position and opened fire with her plasma pistol. Siryn was further down the hall and she leaned out and grabbed an Iron Grenadier and threw him into Psylocke who fried his mental synapses with her psychic knife.  Siryn then ran out thinking the way to be clear just as a grenade exploded blowing her out the nearby window.  Miko screamed as she saw her vision play out again but this time in real life.  The window blew outwards and in slow motion Siryn went flying out from eight stories up.  As a superheroine she had been tossed about so much on instinct alone she had simply gone limp.  By the time she hit below the fourth floor window she was using her sonic powers to propel herself upwards.  Psylocke sensed her friend through their psychic connection and fed her the location of the Iron Grenadier who had set off the grenade.  Her scream got higher pitched and she became a blur of green and yellow as she shot back to the eighth floor and slammed shoulder first into the armored soldier.  It was a spear that would have made WWE stars Roman Reigns and Edge both jealous.  The Iron Grenadier fell like a sack of potatoes.  The women made short work of the troops remaining. 
        Mai was still at work and passed by the nearest TV as she turned from the walk in.  She saw the scenes of violence being played out and noticed her phone in her pants began to vibrate.  She checked and saw the details on her Hero Wave app.  She removed her apron and began to head for the door to the bathroom.  “Mai, where are you going?” her mother asked.  “Tell Pa Pa I’m going to fight the good fight and use the ninja training he gave me to help others.”  She changed in the bathroom into her ninja costume of the Shiranuri Clan.  She tapped a selection on the Hero Wave to inform the White Shadow she needed to be transported.  She ran to the back of the restaurant and up to the attic which housed a doorway to the rooftop.  Her father and mother followed her.  He protested the whole way.  Her mother finally said.  “Let her go you crazy old man she’s the last of the ninja clan she was trained by you and she’s twice as stubborn.  Saving lives at this time is your daughter’s destiny.”  Within seconds the Owl Jet filled the sky and The White Shadow teleported her on board. 
        Up to this point only Korra really knew the target of the attack was Holly and her team.  Robin and Nina were coming from Ocean Drive and had just entered the airspace near the hospital.  “Nina weapons are on your controls I’m going to do some fancy flying and see if we can take out some hard targets and even the odds a bit.”  Within second the young ladies took out four Mamba helicopters till the airship showed up and deployed Fang mini copters and Firebat mini jets.  Robin flipped on communications and sent a message to the Owl Jet.  “White Shadow do you read the airspace is filling up with more vehicles than we can fight alone.  Advise over.”  The communication was broken into by Destro.  “I am Laird Destro broadcasting on all frequencies both in Driscoll Children’s hospital and without. My demands are simple: Bring me Dr. Holly Emerson and her team of specialists and I will leave.  All I want is my son Adam to be treated for the disease destroying him from the inside out.  You have one hour to release the good doctor and her team will be demolished.”  One of the Firebats broke formation and began firing on the Robin Wing.  Robin immediately took evasive action. 
        Thunder Kitten had now made it to the backside of the hospital and worked her way into the building.  She saw rifle barrels coming around a corner and lashed out with Widow Maker slicing the rifles in half with her flaming sword.  She twisted her wrist using the flat of the blade to smack one of the Alley Vipers in the face causing his helmet to bounce off a wall.  With her left gauntlet she delivered a head shaking European uppercut to the second Alley Viper.  She was on high alert now and very much ticked off at the attack on her happy place.  She turned at a noise and saw Korra bending fire and earth to take down two Range Vipers.  “Korra boy am I glad to see you.  These morons attacked my happy place.”  Korra formed a flaming sword of her own and crossed swords with Thunder Kitten and saluted as one warrior to another.  “Let’s take it back T.K.”  The duo began taking out Cobra agents working their way to the next floor.
        On the fifth floor David had transformed into the White Lion and was fighting a one lion battle against 20 Night Creepers.  “To all in the vicinity of this Hero Wave I’m pinned down on the fifth floor need help ASAP.”  “White Shadow to all agents I have a plan but you’re all going to have to work in teams to pull this off.  I have a lock on Holly’s general location.  Mara can guide me most of the way.  White Lion I’m sending Nina and Robin to get you out.  I’ve sent them an entry way to you.  Mai you and I are going to get Holly.  The Air Brigade is on its way to deal with the uninvited guests outdoors. All of you take down as many Cobra agents as you can.” 
        The Robin Wing was giving a merry chase to the Firebat pilot who was none other than Zaranna.  “Nina on my next pass take your gear I’m going to get as close to that skywalk as I can.  Get in and go looking for a Lion man all in white overalls with welders goggles that’s the White Lion go rescue him.  As soon as I lose this pursuer I’ll be behind you.”  Robin made a pass for the skywalk dodging weapons fire from Zaranna.  The jet tilted on its side and Nina flipped up and out into a swan dive and landed running.  She drew her sword and began dragging it to bleed off speed from her momentum after leaving the jet.  The two jets screamed by her again.  Nina took aim at the underside of the Firebat and swung her mp5 upward.  Fuel leakage answered her well placed shots.  She knelt with her sword and began making an entrance into the skywalk.  Zaranna had to back off pursuit and limp back to the airship.  Within moments Robin had landed her jet on the side of the hospital where all the offices were and ran down the inside of the skywalk where Nina was just dropping in from the ceiling.  They took off running to where the skywalk opened into the fifth floor.  Robin deployed a handheld device and began scanning for the White Lion.  “There 2 hallways down to our right.”  They turned a corner and were met by gunfire and the sound of babies crying.  Nina reached to her belt and made a snapping motion unleashing a collapsible compound bow.  Robin reached down and took 3 discs from her utility belt.  Using a series of hand gestures and Robin’s scanner they mapped out a way around the gunmen.  Another burst of automatic gunfire raked the wall near them.  Nina was done with being shot at she nocked 3 arrows onto her bow leaned out and fired.  The gunfire began again but this time shots went up to the ceiling as one lodged in the Cobra Viper’s neck Nina drew more arrows and took off running.  Robin took off after her and said aloud.  “Aw heck so much for stealth.  This lady is making me feel like I’m with Han Solo running through the Death Star.  Guess that makes me her Chewbacca.”  They thought they were nearing the White Lion when they saw the Night Creeper squad.  White Lion smelled out the presence of Nina and Robin.  “Ladies perfume and pheromones that would be my backup.” he silently mused. Five of the Night Creepers turned and were raising their crossbows.  Their weapons never cleared their hips before Nina and Robin took them down.  Taking a cue from the distraction the White Lion charged firing multiple concussive blasts from his mace and yelled.  “Stay away from my cuddle club.  The White Lion is the sworn protector of these kids.”  Within moments the trio had subdued all their assailants. 
        On board the Owl Jet, The White Shadow, Mai and Mara were about to teleport to Holly’s location when Mai asked.  “What did you mean by Air Brigade?”  “Watch the sky.  Thunder Kitten and I have an air force on standby and it should be on its way right now. All the airborne superheroes we know personally have received the coordinates and are headed this way to deal with the helicopters and that airship.”  Mai put her hand on the White Shadow and her other hand on Mara’s neck then the sound of metal tearing and glass breaking filled the air and suddenly the teleportation took them to the fourth floor.  “Mara find Holly.”  “Arf!”  Mara sniffed the air and took off running for about 30 feet then stopped and growled by a stairwell.  Mai dropped low arming herself with her combat hand fans.  The White Shadow stood with truncheons at the ready.  The stairwell opened and Mara propelled herself at the first gunman creating a domino effect of falling bodies.  Mai and the White Shadow knocked out the rest of the Cobra infantry.  Mara took off running and found Holly by the Nurse’s station.  The White Shadow removed his mask and revealed his face.  “Holly it’s Zac you’re in grave danger this whole attack by Cobra is here in an effort to get you.  Take my hand I’m going to get you somewhere safe.”  Mai looked out the window of the fourth floor.  “I think your air brigade is here.”  He and Holly looked out the window to the east and the air was filled with heroes.  There was Cisco Kid, Ms. Marvel, Steelheart, Nova, Hawkgirl, Power Girl, Firestar, Kymaera, Arisia, Dagger, and Supergirl.  “Well Zac you’ve evened the odds, but this is a hospital Destro could have gotten the help like a normal person.  Get me a mic to talk to him.”  The two heroes, dog and doctor teleported back to the Owl Jet and fired up the communications system. ”Destro my name is Dr. Holly Emerson I will willingly treat your son Adam because I am a doctor.  In return you must call off your attack or the White Shadow and his friend will continue you to take you all down one by one.  Think about it we have vigilantes, X-Women, knights, lions, superheroes, assassins and a Galaxy Ranger.  Your agents in the hospital have all been subdued.  The choice is yours.  Do I help your son or do we keep fighting.”  Five long minutes passed.  The silence was pregnant with tension.  The airship broke formation and landed on the halo flight landing pad and the helicopters and tanks one by one began leaving.  Destro descended the ramp with a young boy cradled in his arms and he met Holly at the front of the hospital.  She was flanked by all the heroes who had helped defend the hospital.

As I wrote this story over months I had included a few of my friends.  One in particular is Mrs. Cynthia Beatty.  Midway through writing this the real life woman Mrs. Beatty went home to be with her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  I didn’t find out about it till the Sunday after.  This part of the story is a tribute to my friend.  She was one of the greatest prayer warriors in all of Real Life Corpus.  Every day she prayed for our pastor Micah Davidson.  The love of God poured from her.  I’m including her granddaughter Megan West because I want her to know this is a tribute to her grandma. Since she has passed away David Hill has become the leader of her Prayer Warriors Life Group. Although he would argue with me and say he’s not worthy Life Group coordinator Brooke Blodgett, and Marion and I would all agree that David is the right man for the job.  For those of you who don’t know Megan West and Justin Garza also lead the college age ministry at Real Life and this past week it was just certified as a ministry instead of merely a Life Group.  Marion and I do not have kids of our own but Mara is our furry kid.  The 2 kids in the story Lola and Roxy have adopted us as their friends and their parents Tim and Alisha Thompson are incredibly sweet people.  I hope one day Lola and Roxy get to read this.  Holly Emerson is not really a doctor but a caring nurse.  Around Thanksgiving on year Marion and I went to Driscoll around lunch and we stopped in for the free volunteer lunch.  Holly took the time out of her day to come and speak to us.  Marion and I don’t have too many friends we get to spend time with so the fact that she made it a point to talk to us meant a lot.  Holly has a heart for people.  Marion and David do actually volunteer at the hospital in their respective fields.  Marion created a map of the hospital floors but I changed some things.  Residents of Corpus can study a map and realize Brawner Parkway, and Collier Park are very real nearby places to Driscoll.  A big thanks on this story goes to Marion and my friend Jonathan Sitarski for being my sounding boards as I wrote this.  They both heard a lot of my weird ideas.  Readers of most of my stories know that one thing I attempt to do is make heroes stand out in moments during the story.  I typically do this in battles but as this story wrote itself and took on its own life the heroes began to have their own special moments that didn’t involve a fight.                                                                                            

1 comment:

  1. Finally read this one too, sorry it took so long. Thanks for the cameo :-)
