Sunday, November 1, 2015

nwvavp story in progress



Night Thrasher/Dwayne Taylor
Nova/Richard Rider
Kymaera/Namorita Prentiss
Rage/Elvin Holiday
Scarlet Spider/Peter Parker
Firestar/Angelica Jones
Justice/Vance Astrovik
Speedball/Robbie Baldwin
Dagger/Tandy Bowen
Turbo/Michiko Mushai
Timeslip/Rina Patel
Moon Knight/Marc Spector
Darkhawk/Chris Powell

The air was thick almost sticky.  Strange insect like creatures buzzed and flitted about.  The peaceful planet would soon have guests for the Beyonder had a game in mind.  The Beyonder was a cosmic being of great power and he liked to observe the behavior of other beings in the universe when put in extreme circumstances.  If humans liked reality TV shows, well the Beyonder was the Jeff Probst of cosmic beings.  In space, you could almost hear the computerized voice asking the age old question once posted to Matthew Broderick in War Games.  “Would you like to play a game?”  For a long time now the Beyonder had been observing the young New York based superhero team called the New Warriors.  At times, they functioned as a family and others they appeared to be more dysfunctional than Kane and Daniel Bryan.  Now for him to find the right way to create an extreme situation. 
          A few light years away part of the solution presented itself in the form of bug like creatures.  In all of creation through untold galaxies these bug like xenos were feared and considered a near perfect killing machine.  They possess acid for blood which can eat through titanium.  They had no real hands but claws and long tails both razor sharp.  Also, their jaws were mouths and within were other retractable jaws.  Seeing one of these xenos usually meant your planet was infested.  Their queen would nest in moist dark places and breed millions of creatures.  Some were known as face huggers that latched onto any organism forced its tail around your throat and jammed parts of itself down your body causing you to become an incubator.  These were just the nice things you could say about them.     
          Next on the game board of the Beyonder’s mind was the Hish, oftentimes referred to as simply Predators.  This does not mean Predators like the police would describe them.  No Ma’am these creatures came from the stars and hunted the biggest game of all and they did so with a twisted sense of honor.  If you were armed, you were fair game and they declared open season.  They stand almost 9 feet tall carry retractable spears, throwing discs, razor mesh nets, shoulder mounted plasma cannons, and cloaking technology.  If the universe has a sick sense of humor and if there are things that balance out others the Hish are the ultimate hunter to the ultimate killing machines in the Xenos.  Hunter and prey becomes yin and yang.  If it will put up a good fight and they think it will make a good trophy the Hish will hunt it down.  The only problem with the trophy idea is the Hish tend to try and take your head and spine from you while you’re alive. 
          Now that the threat has been understood you must understand the type of heroes that face it.  A brief introduction is in order.  The team was formed due to random heroes coming together to stop Terrax the Tamer one of Galactus Heralds during an attack on New York.  After banding together, the media dubbed them the New Warriors heroes for the 90’s.  After years of being together they began to be seen as a younger rawer version of the Avengers.  Their abilities and personalities are as diverse as the individuals they belong to. 
          Dwayne Taylor also known as Night Thrasher, Dwayne is a man of no powers but he is the team leader.  He is a man obsessed with ending crime with his vast inherited wealth after his uncle under control by a witch killed Dwayne’s parents.  Dwayne dedicated his life to stopping evil in any form.  This African American man fights with an Olympic level athlete’s body in a suit of body armor.  He employs escrima sticks, a 2-inch dagger, grapnel lines and incredible martial arts skills. 
          Dwayne’s girlfriend Silhouette is one of the more unique of the bunch.  Sil, for short, is paralyzed from the waist down due to being shot in the spine by a gang member.  This however does not slow this brave young African American woman down.  Sil is a mutant with the ability to access the Darkforce dimension.  She melds into the shadows and strikes with an array of weapons installed in her crutches. 
          Nova is the hard head and perhaps the most powerful of the group but he doesn’t really realize it.  He possesses all the powers of the Nova Force.  When his helmet is on Bucket Head as his friends call him is encased in a suit of armor giving him powers of flight, strength, and gravimetric pulse blasts. Nova is also known as Richard Rider. 
          Kymaera, also Richard’s girlfriend, is a woman displaced.  She’s still learning where she belongs due to an odd change in her body.  Kymaera has blue skin and wings on her ankles.  She is half Atlantean and half human and the people of Atlantis have tried to convince her that she is a clone of a long-lost queen.  Kymaera is a fierce warrior, with super strength, flight and energy absorption powers. 
          Elvin Holiday is the true powerhouse of the team.  He is a 16-year-old African American boy due to a toxic waste accident he finds himself trapped in the body of a 7-foot-tall muscle bound behemoth of a man who is nearly invulnerable.  He answers to the name Rage for that is what fuels him. 
          The Scarlet Spider is one of the newest team members.  His real name is Peter Parker but he thinks it might be Ben Reilly.  He is the original Spider-Man.  He has the ability to stick to any surface, swing on webbing of his own design, and can sense imminent danger.  He also has the proportionate strength and speed of an arachnid his size.  He is also a scientific genius. 
          Firestar also known as Angelica Jones is one of the founding members and is also very much the heart of the team.  She’s a mutant with the ability to manipulate microwave energy which she uses for flight as well as offense and defense.  In terms of raw power Firestar doesn’t know her full potential. 
          Justice or Vance Astrovik is a troubled man.  He has been hero then prisoner and finally a hero again.  Vance was sent to prison for killing his father.  Vance is a mutant telekinetic and for years his father would beat him for being born with a mutant gene and using his abilities to help others.  One day in defense of himself and his mother, who tried to stop the beatings, Vance used his powers screaming “No More!”  When the tests were run it was found that Vance had turned his father’s bones to powder.  Now having served his prison sentence Vance has stopped being the hero known as Marvel Boy and instead answers to the name Justice.  Vance is also the boyfriend of Angelica. 
          Speedball aka Robbie Baldwin is perhaps the most bizarre fellow of all of them all.  When his powers are active it almost seems as if a rainbow of bubbles has vomited.  Robbie and his cat stumbled on an experiment in the small town of Springfield where both were exposed to cosmic rays allowing them to harness and manipulate kinetic energy.  Speedball uses his powers to bounce, repel and charge objects. 
          Tandy Bowen aka Dagger is a very tragic heroine.  She is probably one of the most emotionally scarred by life people you will ever meet.  Tandy and her good friend Tyrone are part of the crime fighting duo Cloak and Dagger and used to be runaways living on the street.  Daggers, mutant powers of light manipulation were discovered when she was subjected to a near lethal amount of drugs.  Tandy has since used her powers to help others. 
          Turbo aka Michicko “Mickey” Mushai is a rookie to the world of superheroes discovered a suit created by humans and aliens.  The suit consists of a helmet, along with a thin armor and both ankle and wrist mounted turbines.  All these things grant her flight, energy disruption, concussive air blasts and superhuman strength. 
          Rina Patel is an accidental member of the New Warriors.  Rina is a time traveler known as Timeslip.  When Rina goes to sleep, strange things have been known to happen.  Somehow Rina has the ability to send her consciousness back and forth through time.  She has already saved Speedball’s life due to her visions.  As of late Night Thrasher has been training her in hand to hand combat to help the young Indian mutant defend herself.  The Scarlet Spider has been helping her hone her time manipulation powers.    
          Moon Knight is a more recent member as well.  Better known as Marc Spector/Jake Lockley/Steven Grant.  Moon Knight is a man who uses multiple guises.  He is a former mercenary who was rescued by the Egyptian god of vengeance Khonshu after nearly dying in the desert.  Moon Knight employs a bo staff, a moon shaped helicopter, crescent darts and great fighting skills to fight crimes.  When the moon is full he gains superhuman strength. 
          The final member of the team is Darkhawk aka Chris Powell.  Chris discovered an amulet while following his father a policeman collecting a bribe from a crime boss.  The amulet gives Chris control over armor he controls by his mind that is accessed through another dimension.  The armor gives powers of limited flight, energy blasts, shields, a cable claw, an accelerated healing factor and superhuman strength. 
          The Beyonder sat back secure on his throne deep in the cosmos and began to scheme.  The game would soon begin and he would observe.  Such as the Beyonder’s games went things could easily turn towards the strange.  Now began the transportation of the unsuspecting parties.   
          Angelica and Vance were shopping and had just exited the local Costco when she noticed an odd man in what appeared to be a full Tweety Bird colored beekeeper suit.  The letters AIM were on the helmet of the suit the man was wearing.  He opened the trunk of a forest green Chevy Malibu.  Two vans black in color pulled up and more men in strange attire began to emerge.  “Vance, It’s AIM!”  “Summoning the rest of the rest of the team now.  Secure our stuff in the car and then proceed to attack plan 203.”  Vance reached in his pocket and hit his New Warriors comm badge. 
          At the New Warriors crash pad Elvin and Robbie were playing video games when the comm signal came across the screen with Vance and Angelica’s coordinates.  Robbie jumped up and slammed his palm on a concrete wall using the kinetic energy to change from Robbie Baldwin to Speedball.  He yelled loudly for the rest of the team to hear.  “Warriors get your war on!”   Dwayne began quickly assembling his armor and yelled "Chord, Frenchie, fire up the choppers as of yesterday!  You heard the bouncing boy let's get our war on!"
          In less than ten minutes the Costco parking lot had filled with AIM soldiers and they began opening fire on cars and people.  People were screaming and diving for cover.  Vance was trying to shield people with telekinetic force fields as they ran.  With so much chaos going on he was having a hard time.  Angelica had summoned microwave energy to herself and was searching for a vantage point to make herself a human/ mutant sniper.  She ran to avoid attention and rounded the back of the warehouse store and flew up to the roof.  Plan 203 was a stalling tactic till backup arrived where one New Warrior would play defense and crowd control and the other who could fire projectiles would cover as a sniper.  Angelica skimmed the roof like a jet flying below radar cover.  Once at the edge of the front of the building she began scanning for targets.  She spotted and AIM agent threatening two small children and their mom.  Angelica's blood boiled in anger she hated when the bad guys wanted to harm children.  due to her mutant manifestation of powers and continued usage she was unable to have children.  No child would suffer because of her inaction to save them.  She focused microwave energy to the smallest beam she could formed a gun shape to her hands.  FSASH!!!!!! She struck true right in the face.  With her element of surprise now lost she began aiming and firing as quickly as possible.  Vance spoke in her comm badge. "More AIM agents coming.  They're yelling obscenities about people with powers.  Chord says ETA five minutes.  We can do this Sweetheart."  Two minutes passed and Nova rocketed by her.  "Backup is here Red.  Good shooting” Kymaera skimmed the roof and dove low.  Firestar just loved seeing that Human Rocket and Blue Blazing woman fly into battle.  Moon Knight and Night Thrasher dropped from a ladder hanging from the Moon Copter and landed assessing targets.  Silhoutte teleported from a chopper and began using her power over the Darkforce Dimension to move people to safety one at a time.  In the chopper, the pilot Sprocket yelled.  "Elvin where do you want me to drop you?"  "Find the biggest cluster of AIM agents and open the bomb bay doors.  Rage wants out of the cage."    “Sprocket, Rage wants a TRE(target rich environment).  Standing by at the bomb doors just give the signal.”  Sprocket was a hard woman but a dang good helicopter pilot.  “Chord, tell Rage he’s on in ten and Dwayne said to bring Speedy.”  “Copt that.”  “5, 4, 3, 2, 1.”  Chord mashed the button and the bomb bay opened.  Twenty AIM agents got hit by a 500 lbs. human bowling ball and the impact was astounding.  Whatever Rage didn’t hit, Speedball sent blasting away with kinetic energy.  Part of the team had stayed at the Crash Pad in reserve and after the efforts of Justice, Silhouette, Night Thrasher, Kymaera, Moon Knight, Nova, Rage and Speedball it seemed the only thing left to do was cleanup.  Night Thrasher, had already alerted the rest of the team and was currently calling S.H.I.E.L.D. to come take care of the AIM agents. 
          Rina Patel, shot out of bed from her nap hit the intercom system on the wall in her room at the Crash Pad and yelled, “Tandy, it’s Rina come to my room quick.  Tandy was in the training room under the supervision of the Scarlet Spider who turned off the simulator for her.  They both knew from Rina’s alert and the sound of her voice she had been through one of her visions of the future and they were needed immediately.  The hallways in the Crash Pad were so massive Dagger could fly down them with Scarlet Spider web swinging with neither of them getting in the other’s way.  They found Rina sitting up in bed literally shaking with sweat pouring from her body.  “Rina, what is it?”  Ben Asked.  “It’s Speedball and all of you.  Something terrible is about to happen to the entire team.  Monsters from space, a jungle like world.  A lot of violence it was horrible.”  Tandy reached for her comm badge.  “I’ve got to warn the others.”
          The Moon Copter and the Warriors heavily modified Apache AH-64 were headed back to the Crash Pad when Tandy contacted them.  She had gotten midway through her tale of Rina’s dream when Rage turned to ask Speedball a question when he just vanished.  Rage was about to exclaim something when suddenly he was gone.  Chord looked in the back were the two young men had been previously been sitting.  “Sprocket, I know we picked up Rage and Speedball after the fight, where did they go?”  Frenchie was piloting the Moon Copter and began reporting one by one the New Warriors were disappearing.  Angelica and Vance had just finished at a gas station when they disappeared and the car went of the road into a ditch.  In moments Darkhawk, Turbo, Scarlet Spider, Dagger and Timeslip disappeared from the Crash Pad as well.  The entire team found themselves on a jungle planet.  Every one of the New Warriors looked down to find themselves in full costumes with all their usual weapons and gear they used to fight crime.  With almost military squad like precision Night Thrasher had the entire team fan out.  All team members that could be airborne lifted off to provide air cover for the ground combatants.  “Comms on radio silence.”  Night Thrasher spoke into his helmet.  This was not the first time they had mysteriously ended up on a planet.  They had all practiced for hours for such weirdness. 
          Unbeknownst to the New Warriors business was about to pick up.  The planet they appeared on was about to touch them with an air of cosmic yin and yang and by all manner of reckoning flat out kiss them deadly.  Firestar and Kymaera were about to meet up with some old sparring partners from the planet Dagobah.  The air was thick with mist when the twin suns did appear they were the color of egg drop soup.   

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