Friday, May 16, 2014

Female hero shirts

I wrote this poem because of a conversation Marion and i had Monday.  I wear a lot of superhero attire and one thing i get mixed reactions on is when my shirt display a female superhero.  i get as varied reactions as much as John Cena does when entering a WWE ring.  Some people insult me and some like what i wear.

Female Hero Shirts

Why don’t you get it
You like your sports
To me they’re boring
Way too bland
Your comments
Way out of hand
I prefer the arms
Of some hands
Enveloped in spandex
Fantastical powers
Defending hour after hour
I see my friends
You see a way to insult
Really come on get over it
The comics, cartoons
Clothes, t-shirts, things I like
The insults roll off
Like pebbles from a bike tire
Do you even know why
You are making
Fun of me so
Really it’s not me
It’s all you
I just wore a shirt
Your weirdness
Caused you to inflict hurt
The superheroes I like
A lot are of the race female
You see a body in a costume
I see way more
Do you know
This hero
Or is your insult
That of one
Who knows zero
I’d love to talk with you
Explain the things I like and do
But an open heart and mind
Is the choice left up to you
Stop making fun of my shirt

Your comments really hurt 

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