Friday, August 21, 2015

Kind Word

I've seen this thing posted online a lot and it says this.  "Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you can't see"  I've said many times that working customer service sometimes the only kind words i may hear all week will be at church or from my wife and occasionally my family,  If you're a person like Marion and I we thrive on kind words.  Kindness is even part of the Fruit of the Spirit.  Proverbs 12:25 "Worry weights a person down; An encouraging word cheers a person up."  As a life group leader I'm throwing down the gauntlet if you will.  Let's make a commitment to find something nice to say to people we interact with.  Don't just frivolously say kind things but actually mean it.  Years ago I said a prayer and maybe you need this.  I asked God to show me the beauty he placed in people and then give me the ability to speak it.  

Poem with a ring

Poem with a ring

Around August 18th 2015 which was Bad Poetry day I wrote one good poem and this was it. 

Onion Ring  
Chicken wing
To Marion Ding
For engagement ring
Gave her a Green Lantern ring
Now ding ding
She wears my wedding ring
Gorgeous beauty she does bring
Many songs we love to sing

To the King of Kings

Friday, August 14, 2015

WWE Christmas Poem

Stand back there’s a Hurricane coming through
Around Christmas these days
Kane is taking down
Low flying reindeer
With fireballs blasting from the turnbuckles
While Undertaker and Thor
Roast marshmallows on lightning rods
In the stands
Seth Rollins is still whining
Kevin Owens is getting coal
For being a jerk
Santa is checking the naughty list
Hey look he found on it
All the Divas roster
Except for sweet fair Emma
The Prime Time Players
Are begging Foley Santa for
“Millions of Dollars.”
Ted Dibiase tricked them
To forfeit too many
And then there’s dear old I.R.S.
Cena’s hustling loyal respectful reindeer
Santino thinks he’s in the clear
He never should have taken
A Bionic Redneck’s beer
Spear! Spear! Spear!
Stephanie McMahon invites
NXT rookies to be
Tough Enough to play the Game
Book Ends on Big Show’s
Chopped cabinet
JBL pays Lesnar to
Repeatedly F5 Michael Cole
Heyman sucks the life out of Raw
Jericho please shut his
Walrus maw
Molly Holly made a comeback
To defeat the Bellas
Evil Rack Attack
Rock makes travel plans
To check Matt and Lita
Directly into the Smackdown Hotel
Arrow shoots Stardust
For being a pain in the Golddust
It saddens Sargent Slaughter
To find the Iron Sheik
And Hulkamania running wild
In the Macho Kingdom police blotter
Bagpipes and Piper
But no coconuts for Tamina
Because Natty’s feet smell riper
Benjamin and Clay’s Momma’s are missing
Stratusfaction from a
Reunion with Kidman and Torrie Wilson
Lawler screams Puppies
While Funaki swims with guppies
Mae Young and Mark Henry
Oh gosh they’re way too friendly
We the People
Love Sweet Chin Christmas Music
While being kicked
Through plate glass windows
At Brutus the Barber’s Beefcake shop
Body Donnas lose to the Road Warriors
The personality of Lance Storm
Is well……………..torture
Hornswoggle slices pie
While Carlito
Spits apple in Vince’s eye
CM Punk is a traitor
Titus O’Neil is a Florida Gator
The Man that Gravity Forgot
Floated away
With Santa’s sleigh
Stinger brought Robocop
And Flair and Goldberg
Flipped their Honky Tonk Disco Inferno Top
This Christmas is not near Mr. Perfect
It’s really a Monsoon and Weasel scam
That’s why Ron Simmons looked around and said


Friday, August 7, 2015

Writer's Triangle

This is a poem I wrote about not being able to write.  To me it’s not writer’s block it’s more like a triangle and you’re going in a steady line for a while and just get stuck at points.  There’s a lot of references in this I hope you as a reader catch them.

Writer’s Triangle

Words they fall like syrup
Dripping from a waffle
Thoughts like a bird akin to vertical take-off landing
Right angles, not Kurt Angle
Stuck at points on a triangle
I had momentum till that point
So many thoughts need
Pouring out like sprinkles on a child’s ice cream cone
However my sprinkled words
Took flight like a flightless bird
Damn you penguin
Isosceles does not belong in a
Writer’s triangle lost my place
In Bermuda shorts
My thoughts locked up in quartz
Bejewelled and blitzed
Stuck in a paddleboat
Listening to the band Styx
Stuck on points of a triangle
Not a block or a hectagon
No my thoughts
Like a weird
Fractured fabled polygon
More weird angles and tangents
Than an early Laura Croft drawing
As strange as a Rainbow Brite hoodie
This triangle left me feeling not goody
Caffeine riddled brain
Losing my thoughts
Dang it’s a pain
Up one side
Sliding down another
You write anything
Hoping to find a buffet of more
Selling this Writer’s Triangle
Like a mid-card wrestler
Needing a great angle
Why is my brain at a stump
This cartoon commercial
Came with a video bump
I need an idea dump
To get out of this slump
I need more thoughts
Hey look a robot
Polar bear dogs
Don’t belong in my story
But a damsel not in distress
Hey nice dress
Now that might start some writing glory
Hey buddy can you get me off
This redundant triangle
Because I’m writing nothing
Just to be able to write something