Friday, August 21, 2015

Kind Word

I've seen this thing posted online a lot and it says this.  "Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you can't see"  I've said many times that working customer service sometimes the only kind words i may hear all week will be at church or from my wife and occasionally my family,  If you're a person like Marion and I we thrive on kind words.  Kindness is even part of the Fruit of the Spirit.  Proverbs 12:25 "Worry weights a person down; An encouraging word cheers a person up."  As a life group leader I'm throwing down the gauntlet if you will.  Let's make a commitment to find something nice to say to people we interact with.  Don't just frivolously say kind things but actually mean it.  Years ago I said a prayer and maybe you need this.  I asked God to show me the beauty he placed in people and then give me the ability to speak it.  

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